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Hands On Home Inspections Of Colorado Springs & Pueblo Colorado (719) 685-5018

What We Do!

A lot of people are in the home inspection business these days, why should you hire me?
*Over 26 years experience inspecting homes in Southern Colorado.
*The best price, just $149 for homes in Colorado Springs, Pueblo and the surrounding areas.

Your inspection will include: Heating, Cooling, and Electrical systems, Plumbing, Fixtures and Water Heater, Windows, Doors and Garage, Attic, Basement and/or Crawl Space, the Roof, Foundation, Drainage of the property and more.

I inspect new construction and resale single family homes and apartments; duplexes, fourplexes, and multi-unit buildings; townhomes and condos. Residential and commercial buildings; retail, restaurant, office and warehouse space. Vacation, recreation, leisure and mountain houses, cabins and camps.
Mobile, modular home and Pre Fab building inspections too.

Please call me for your real estate inspection anywhere in Southern Colorado, including Colorado Springs, Pueblo and all of El Paso, Pueblo, Teller, Fremont and Douglas Counties.

(719) 685-5018

Bruce Fanning - inspector

Our Services



A lot of people are in the home inspection business these days, why should you hire me?
*Over 26 years experience inspecting homes in Southern Colorado.
*The best price, just $149 for homes in Colorado Springs, Pueblo and the surrounding areas.

Your inspection will include: Heating, Cooling, and Electrical systems, Plumbing, Fixtures and Water Heater, Windows, Doors and Garage, Attic, Basement and/or Crawl Space, the Roof, Foundation, Drainage of the property and more.

I inspect new construction and resale single family homes and apartments; duplexes, fourplexes, and multi-unit buildings; townhomes and condos. Residential and commercial buildings; retail, restaurant, office and warehouse space. Vacation, recreation, leisure and mountain houses, cabins and camps.
Mobile, modular home and Pre Fab building inspections too.

Please call me for your real estate inspection anywhere in Southern Colorado, including Colorado Springs, Pueblo and all of El Paso, Pueblo, Teller, Fremont and Douglas Counties.

(719) 685-5018

Bruce Fanning - inspector

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