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Peaches Skin Care - Long Beach, CA

Peaches Skin Care - Long Beach, CA

What We Do!

Peaches was founded on a simple idea, one facial that has the ability to treat all skin conditions. An unheard of idea in the industry, but one that has been proven time and time again. Over the course of 30 years in the industry we have seen every skin condition imaginable. From eczema, oily skin, %38 dry skin to cystic acne, melasma, rosacea, and many more, we've seen and treated them all. Consistency, a high quality facial, and wholesome products are the method to our success.

Our Services

  • Anti Aging Facial Long Beach Ca
  • Organic Skin Care Long Beach Ca
  • Beauty and Cosmetics
  • Peaches Skin Care Long Beach
  • Peaches Skin Care Naples
Phone: 562-386-2222

About Peaches Skin Care - Long Beach, CA

Peaches focuses on helping you achieve your perfect skin. We offer one of the best facials in Long Beach that is highly effective on every skin type and condition. Services include facials and micro-dermabrasion, micro-current muscle work, oxygen retinol treatments, waxing, and packages for services.


You receive a discount on regular/single visit prices by purchasing services in advance of your visit(s). We have learned over the years of working with skin that to achieve the results that you (and we) are looking for, you need to be on a regular regime of facials and related services. Services are bundled into packages to be able to offer the deepest discounts possible. Packages are grouped in quantities of either 3, 6 or 12.


Just like eating a healthy diet provides your body with numerous health benefits, our antioxidant-based product line have the same effect on your skin. You will notice an immediate difference once you are nourishing your face with properly made products and removing the harsh products that made your skin go into defense mode, causing the various skin issues (dryness, acne, oiliness, aging, etc.) you may have been experiencing

Our Location:

5608 E 2nd Street
Long Beach, California 90803 US

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