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Flora Brothers Painting Indianapolis,IN Wall Painting Ceiling Painting Door & Casing

Flora Brothers Painting

What We Do!

When it’s time to give your house a fresh paint job, hire a professional painter in Indianapolis. Flora Brothers Painting will gladly give you a quote for all of your commercial painting, residential painting, and deck refinishing needs. Painters in Indianapolis that You Can Know, Like %38 Trust! Since our inception in 2011, Flora Brothers Painting has been committed not only to providing out-standing results on every job we undertake but also on demonstrating exemplary customer service at every stage of our relationship with you. From initial inquiries regarding interior or exterior painting through to the completion of the job and post-completion checks to ensure that everything has been completed to your satisfaction, we strive to give you the courteous, professional and skilled service you deserve. From our paint choices through to our design ideas, we try to make every aspect of your job stand out for all the right reasons. If you already have a good idea of the palette, finishes and overall look which you’re trying to achieve, we will make sure that your interior or exterior painting work is carried out as you wish. For customers who are struggling for inspiration, we offer plenty of imaginative options which are suitable for nearly all properties and tastes.

Our Services

  • Wall Painting
  • Ceiling Painting
  • Door & Casing
  • Baseboard
  • Vinyl Siding
  • Wood Trim
  • 1
Phone: +1(317) 447-5227

About Flora Brothers Painting

The Flora brothers, Aaron and Justin, founded “Flora Brothers Painting” in 2011. They developed their interior and exterior painting skills during their time working for their Uncle’s elite painting company in West Lafayette. Their passion for beautifying homes inspired them to start their own professional painting company upon graduating from Purdue University (BOILER UP!). The Avon, Brownsburg, Carmel, Danville, Plainfield, Zionsville, Greenwood & Indianapolis surrounding community network provided the perfect location for their big dreams.

Their business quickly multiplied thanks to the many house painting recommendations from several satisfied clients. Justin and Aaron were both encouraged by how quickly they were welcomed into the Hendricks county & Indianapolis community and able to make a difference one step at a time. Their attention to detail and dedication to growing their business has taught them the true value of the saying “hard work pays off!”

They’ve since been given the opportunity to give back to the Hendricks County community. They believe that the blessing of their growing business should be reinvested. They have participated in several “Paint It Forward” projects at Susie’s Place in Avon & Sheltering Wings in Danville. They also donated their talent & resources to help paint a Habitat for Humanity home in Plainfield.

They continue to believe in the value of a company that cares about their customers and employees. Justin, Aaron and their employees have all started from the ground up. Every employee is expected to start with the dirty work and move into positions of greater responsibility. They believe this helps them to appreciate and understand the breadth of each painting project individually. When your house is painted by them, you will truly receive a one-on-one painting experience. Both their estimator, Tyler, and project manager, Billy, started as crew members and have been promoted to their current positions. Likewise, the painting company’s number of elite house painting crews continues to grow in number & produce quality home paint jobs!

Thank you for being a part of our growing painting company! We appreciate customers with high expectations who give us the opportunity to meet and exceed those expectations daily.

Our Location:

1834 S Co Rd 1050 E
Indianapolis, Indiana 46231 US

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