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Medical Malpractice and Wrongful Death Lawyers in AK

Dillon & Findley, P.C.

What We Do!

Experienced Medical Malpractice and litigation Lawyers. Call for a consultation with a lawyer at Dillon & Findley. They work with clients in Alaska Beach, AK.

Our Services

  • Medical malpractice
  • Wrongful death
  • civil law
  • Lawyers
  • Legal Advice
Phone: 907 277 5400

About Dillon & Findley, P.C.

Dillon & Findley, P.C. was founded in 1990 as a boutique litigation law firm serving clients throughout Alaska. We have built a strong reputation for professionalism, ethical conduct and successful outcomes. Our firm can advance costs in contingency cases for aggressive malpractice litigation in service of seriously injured patients. Despite the restrictions of Alaska tort law, we have resolved numerous cases in excess of a million dollars. We have successfully litigated complex ad valorem taxation issues including a complex multibillion-dollar valuation of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System. We were local counsel for the Stae of Alaska in the successful litigation against the tobacco industry and have prevailed in several large class action cases against the insurance industry. Having had the opportunity to flourish here in Alaska, we believe in giving back to our communities and to our profession in the form of continuing legal education, service to the Alaska Bar Association and commitment to providing legal services to those less fortunate.
Our mission at Dillon & Findley, P.C. is to provide high-quality legal representation to parties who would otherwise be at a disadvantage, so they may achieve justice in disputes with powerful private, corporate and governmental opponents. Whether we represent injured patients in malpractice actions against prominent healthcare providers, or advocate for small businesses in conflicts with corporate giants or state and federal regulatory agencies, we litigate aggressively, so that legal disputes are resolved on the merits, not the financial strength and political influence of the parties. Dillon & Findley, P.C. has more than 20 years of experience helping Alaskans obtain fair compensation for serious injuries and just resolutions to complex civil litigation.

Our Location:

1049 W. 5th Avenue, Suite 200
Anchorage, Alaska 99501 US

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