Tea Time Talks #5: Estate Planning Attorney Daniel Weiner with Niki Jones, owner of San Diego Moms.
https://www.SanDiegoProbateAttorney.com/ | (858) 333-8844 Niki Jones left the corporate world to embark on a journey that would offer more of a work-mom-life balance. Niki owns the blog/website, San Diego Moms (sandiegomoms.com) which is filled with activities, ideas, tips, and tricks for moms to keep their kids busy & entertained so moms can keep their sanity! She has built an amazing online presence and gives some great advice for those looking to grow in the digital space. She also has great ideas on how to get your kids involved in community service and helping others in need! San Diego Probate Attorneys 402 W Broadway Suite 400 - B San Diego, CA 92101 (858) 333-8844 https://www.SanDiegoProbateAttorney.com/