MyPoints 1776 Safari Vacations Country: EG City: Social Media Exchange: No Link Exchange: No Accept Email Offers: Yes Join Date: 10-27-2009
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What We Do!

Our goal is to provide to our clients the maximum satisfaction of wide range of travel services . a wide-ranging selection of tours and travel services in Egypt .
We offer tours that combine history , sports, pleasure and culture in a way that makes history come alive and gives the traveler a sense of excitement like no where else.
We suggest 7 main package tours to Egypt and we handle all tailor made packages upon request .
and one special package specially organized for our Brazilian Market.

We arrange Nile Cruises , Safari trips , Fishing Trips & training trip Camps for sports teams .
We also provide for Egyptians and residents a various choice of Vacations in Egypt or in so many other destinations .

We are dedicated to providing travelers with the experience of a lifetime. we facilitate all possible means of travels to our VIP clients .
Our clients can be individuals, groups, syndicates , sporting institutes .
this Application is for all FaceBook members who may want to travel to Egypt using the services of EMO GROUP OF EGYPT.

Our Services



Our goal is to provide to our clients the maximum satisfaction of wide range of travel services . a wide-ranging selection of tours and travel services in Egypt .
We offer tours that combine history , sports, pleasure and culture in a way that makes history come alive and gives the traveler a sense of excitement like no where else.
We suggest 7 main package tours to Egypt and we handle all tailor made packages upon request .
and one special package specially organized for our Brazilian Market.

We arrange Nile Cruises , Safari trips , Fishing Trips & training trip Camps for sports teams .
We also provide for Egyptians and residents a various choice of Vacations in Egypt or in so many other destinations .

We are dedicated to providing travelers with the experience of a lifetime. we facilitate all possible means of travels to our VIP clients .
Our clients can be individuals, groups, syndicates , sporting institutes .
this Application is for all FaceBook members who may want to travel to Egypt using the services of EMO GROUP OF EGYPT.

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