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Italian Law Firm - Attorneys at law

What We Do!

Founded in 2003, Caretti Law Firm currently has several professionals able to provide legal assistance in various areas of law. In particular, the lawyers of the Firm represents spin-off of the most prestigious Italians law offices.

The Firm offers its clients practical solutions and expert assistance in civil and administrative law, with particular reference to maritime and navigation law, international trade, real estate and pharmaceutical law.

The Firm provide legal support both in Court and out of Court proceedings, with legal assistance for litigation at all levels, civil and administrative. Over the years it has established relationships with prominent lawyers in Europe and Asian countries.

Our Services



Founded in 2003, Caretti Law Firm currently has several professionals able to provide legal assistance in various areas of law. In particular, the lawyers of the Firm represents spin-off of the most prestigious Italians law offices.

The Firm offers its clients practical solutions and expert assistance in civil and administrative law, with particular reference to maritime and navigation law, international trade, real estate and pharmaceutical law.

The Firm provide legal support both in Court and out of Court proceedings, with legal assistance for litigation at all levels, civil and administrative. Over the years it has established relationships with prominent lawyers in Europe and Asian countries.

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