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Hollywood Bankruptcy Attorney

What We Do!

I serve all communities in Broward County including Davie, Pembroke Pines, Miramar, Cooper City and Hollywood. I keep my overhead low and pass the savings on to you while keeping a personal hand in your case and your outcome. After all, isn't achieving a desired outcome why you want an attorney? Some bankruptcy law firms take on more cases than an attorney can handle and support staff do the majority of the work. I don't. Although I have wonderful and caring support staff, your case is assessed by me, advised by me, prepared by me and handled by me every step of the way.

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I serve all communities in Broward County including Davie, Pembroke Pines, Miramar, Cooper City and Hollywood. I keep my overhead low and pass the savings on to you while keeping a personal hand in your case and your outcome. After all, isn't achieving a desired outcome why you want an attorney? Some bankruptcy law firms take on more cases than an attorney can handle and support staff do the majority of the work. I don't. Although I have wonderful and caring support staff, your case is assessed by me, advised by me, prepared by me and handled by me every step of the way.

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