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Shadow Land Shepherds~AKC REG German Shepherds

What We Do!

We have been breeding "True Type" German Shepherds since 1991.
We breed Quality, not Quanity.This isn't just a passing hobby, but something we are devoted to and take serious as owners, trainers and competitors in the sport of Schutzhund.We are large enough to meet a variety of needs, yet small enough to know our dogs. We do not breed paper pedigrees only, but what we see in temperament, conformaton & what best represents our breed as it is meant to be.Come visit and see for yourself!

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We have been breeding "True Type" German Shepherds since 1991.
We breed Quality, not Quanity.This isn't just a passing hobby, but something we are devoted to and take serious as owners, trainers and competitors in the sport of Schutzhund.We are large enough to meet a variety of needs, yet small enough to know our dogs. We do not breed paper pedigrees only, but what we see in temperament, conformaton & what best represents our breed as it is meant to be.Come visit and see for yourself!

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