MyPoints 1011 The Bishop Law Firm Law Firm Country: US Local: North Carolina Social Media Exchange: No Link Exchange: No Accept Email Offers: Yes Join Date: 05-10-2023

NC Personal Injury & Disability Lawyers

The Bishop Law Firm

What We Do!

The Bishop Law Firm represents clients in Raleigh and surrounding areas in North Carolina. We help clients with Social Security Disability, Personal Injury and Workers’ Compensation cases. We are a contingency fee law firm which means that we do not get paid unless you win your case.

Our Services

  • Personal Injury Attorney North Carolina
  • Workers Compensation
  • North Carolina Car Accident Lawyer
  • Social Security Disability NC
  • Car Accident Settlement North Carolina
  • Certified Social Security Disability Lawyer
  • Raleigh Social Security Disability Attorney
Phone: 919-615-3095

About The Bishop Law Firm

Personal Injury

Injured victims who incur injuries as a result of someone else's negligence may be entitled to compensation for their medical costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering under NC personal injury law. Although receiving reimbursement for an injury should be as easy as filing a claim with the insurance provider, this is rarely the case.

Workers Compensation

Workers who have been hurt are frequently advised not to make a workers' compensation claim since their employer will pay the costs. Sadly, pledges do not cover lost wages or medical expenses when an employee is hurt and unable to work.

For your employment injury, you might be eligible to receive workers' compensation benefits. For an injured worker, the NC Workers' Compensation Act offers medical benefits and reimbursements for lost wages.

Social Security Disability

SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) and SSI (Supplemental Security Income) are the two main categories of disability benefits offered by the Social Security Administration. SSI is a need-based program, whereas SSDI is based on the credits from the labor you have done in your life. Before being eligible for either, Social Security must determine your disability.

Do You Require a North Carolina Automobile Accident Attorney?

Was the car crash you were in your fault? It is likely that law enforcement found you to be somewhat to blame for the collision if you were issued a citation (ticket) for it. In North Carolina, you are not entitled to compensation if it is proved that you contributed in any way to the accident.

Our Location:

8374 Six Forks Rd STE 101
Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 US

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