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Law Firm SEO

What We Do!

We’ve specialized in law firm SEO for more than a decade, and we have the tools and expertise to make your website undeniable to Google and potential clients.

Our Services

  • SEO Services
Phone: (877) 323-4661


EverSparks SEO services for lawyers start with an in-depth analysis of your website. We assess your law firms needs, strengths, and weaknesses, compare you to your competitors, and identify any technical issues that could be holding your website back. Next, we create an actionable plan customized to your firms needs. A typical plan includes technical fixes, paid marketing strategies, keyword research, content calendars, and more, all carried out using reverse-engineered strategies. SEO works best alongside other marketing efforts, including social media and email marketing. Based on our comprehensive keyword research and data analysis, EverSpark can manage every aspect of your marketing agenda, directing traffic to your website and turning prospects into clients. To get on Googles good side, youve got to be persistent. Thats why EverSpark takes an around-the-clock approach in carrying out the three core strategies of SEO: content, links, and site optimization. As a SEO consultant for lawyers, our legal experts have customized sites for hundreds of attorneys, and we know each state bars specific rules and exceptions for marketing terminology. If youre ready to get exposure for your site and qualified cases for your business, contact us. Well get started on developing your personalized, unbeatable SEO strategy. Contact us at 404-313-7076 for more information about our services.

Our Location:

7000 Central Parkway Suite 1100 Atlanta, Georgia 30328
, 30328

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