MyPoints 745 Addiction Treatment Center Country: CA City: Ontario Social Media Exchange: No Link Exchange: No Accept Email Offers: Yes Join Date: 03-01-2021
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What We Do!

Addiction Rehab Thousand Islands is an alcohol and drug addiction rehab facility Offering addiction treatment in Thousand Islands, Ontario, Canada. Addiction Rehab Thousand Islands have a team of trained professionals and a cutting edge facility give them the tools they need to deliver a 100% success rate. Through a holistic approach, they provide the widest range of treatment and recovery programs to individuals who are addicted to all types of substances.

Our Services

  • After care services
  • Services for loved ones
  • Medical Detox
  • Addictions Rehab
  • Addiction Treatment
Phone: 18559294045


Addiction Rehab Thousand Islands is an alcohol and drug addiction rehab facility Offering addiction treatment in Thousand Islands, Ontario, Canada. Addiction Rehab Thousand Islands has a team of trained professionals and a cutting-edge facility gives them the tools they need to deliver a 100% success rate. Through a holistic approach, they provide the widest range of treatment and recovery programs to individuals who are addicted to all types of substances.

Compassionate Approach To Addiction Treatment

If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, things may seem hopeless. Your relationships may be suffering, your physical and mental health may be in decline, and you may be struggling financially. Worst of all, you may not know who you can turn to for help. Many people with substance abuse problems don’t seek help, because they fear the stigma that surrounds addiction and mental health. And so they find themselves in a never-ending spiral that wants to escape from, but they don’t know-how.

We Are Ready To Help

We offer a variety of substance-specific addiction rehab programs that are customized for individual needs and circumstances. We believe that no matter how deep an addiction problem is, it is never too late to overcome it. All it takes is targeted treatment that is right for the individual, time, hard work, and a great deal of compassion. Located in the beautiful 1000 Islands region of Ontario, our facility is far from the chaos of regular city life, yet accessible to people across Canada and the United States. Our clients come from as close as Toronto and Kingston, and as far as British Columbia and Boston.

Our Location:

853 Thousand Islands Pkwy UNIT B
Ontario, K0E 1R0 CA

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