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Traditional Taekwondo Center of Brandon | Beginners, Little Tigers, Black Belts

Traditional Taekwondo Center of Brandon

What We Do!

Traditional TaeKwon-Do is the original style that differs from modernized forms and other martial arts in several ways: no physical contact is allowed in free sparring, it is more aerobic in training than other styles, and the emphasis is on each student’s own improvement rather than on competition with others. The Black Belt Team is for those who are truly serious about earning their Black Belts. Earning your Black Belt is about more than just learning the techniques and motions. It’s about becoming a Black Belt inside and out. The Black Belt team has special training classes and events. Are you serious enough to join this elite team?

Our Services

  • black belts
  • TaeKwon-do
  • Korean martial art
  • self-defense benefits
Phone: 813-409-2039

About Traditional Taekwondo Center of Brandon

TaeKwon-Do is an ancient Korean martial art. Many people practice TaeKwon-Do for its self-defense benefits, but it is also an art and is studied and appreciated for its beauty and grace of movement. The spiritual aspect of TaeKwon-Do is found in its philosophy of self-restraint, kindness, and humility. Traditional TaeKwon-Do is the original style that differs from modernized forms and other martial arts in several ways: no physical contact is allowed in free sparring, it is more aerobic in training than other styles, and the emphasis is on each student’s own improvement rather than on competition with others.


Children, teens, adults, and seniors can all learn TaeKwon-Do and enjoy its many benefits. Since the emphasis is on personal growth rather than on competition, people of all ages and backgrounds find TaeKwon-Do satisfying and challenging. In addition, because TaeKwon-Do requires such diverse skills, students can specialize in the art and develop their own area of expertise and enjoyment. Specialties include free-sparring which requires quickness, endurance, and athletic technique; forms that focus on precision and patterns; self-defense which emphasizes escapes and defense techniques; and breaking which demonstrates the power and requires speed accuracy, and strength.


Unlike other sports where the primary goal is to defeat an opponent or set a record, true martial art does not emphasize competition with others. The primary goal of TaeKwon-Do is to help each student develop physically and mentally to his or her full potential.


TaeKwon-Do offers a vigorous and challenging workout. Through conditioning exercises involving the entire body, TaeKwon-Do promotes quickness, strength, flexibility, and endurance. Its emphasis on technique and body-control also provides invaluable training for those active in other sports from soccer and hockey to tennis and golf.


The body and the mind work together in TaeKwon-Do to deliver powerful, timely, and effective techniques. As a result, TaeKwon-Do is as challenging mentally as it is physically. Improved focus and concentration are two benefits that result from the study and practice of TaeKwon-Do.


By mastering many different skills at each level, students learn to set and achieve personal goals. The positive experiences, together with the confidence they gain from becoming physically fit and mentally sharp, combined to give them self-confidence, pride, and a positive outlook when faced with life’s challenges.

Our Location:

809 E Brandon Blvd
Brandon, Florida 33511 US

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