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WP Full Care

What We Do!

WP Full care will resolve any WordPress security issue you might be having. We understand that the safety of your website is your top-tier priority. While protecting valuable information you will ensure a better user experience for your clients and customers by keeping the webpage updated and safe. We will give 100% of our attention to completing any WordPress task you may want. Enhance search engine optimization of your webpages and provide better UX with login security. Often it can be very stressful dealing with security alerts, and not knowing what to do. Leave it to the hands of our skilled developers. Establishing a website firewall is the first step, but maintaining all the functions properly is fundamental. Worry no more about malware attacks, your information will be protected from viruses. The developer team will do regular scans and remove any malware found. You can sign up for differnet maintennace plans and ensure the safety of your website.

Our Services

  • wordpress support services
  • wordpress customer service
  • wordpress security
  • wordpress support and maintenance
  • wordpress website maintenance
  • wordpress maintenance
Phone: 347-778-2558


We are offering a 100% refund of your WordPress website maintenance plan payment at any moment during the first 30 days of signing up for a plan. Your software platform needs to go through frequent updates in order for your WordPress website to function properly. We try to provide a unique experience and personalized service. Our approach is to cooperate closely with our clients and communicate openly about their needs and desires. Our individualized approaches will produce the best results that are specifically catered to your needs. Don't wait until your website starts informing you with security alerts before ensuring WordPress maintenance. Testimonials from previous cooperations are the best reference for future clients. Proudly we are offering our highly recommended services of WordPress security and website maintenance. Do not hesitate to reach out to us with any doubts or questions regarding our services. Sign up for a free consultation with our team of experts.

Our Location:

242 W 53rd St
New York, New York US

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