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Diamond Brokers Queensland Cleveland,Australia White Diamonds Argyle Pink Diamonds

Diamond Brokers Queensland

What We Do!

Diamonds Brisbane, established in 2002, Diamond Brokers Queensland are a Brisbane based diamond importer selling diamonds online and through our two diamond jewellery studios.

Buying a diamond from a Brisbane based diamond merchant gives you the security of knowing that we are bound by the Australian retail consumer regulations. If there is ever any faults or concern with your product you can have the problems fixed and dealt with locally without having to try any deal with an overseas supplier where they are not bound by Australian regulations.

Buying a diamond online is now quite a safe procedure but for such an expensive product you need to understand exactly what you are buying. We do not sell our diamonds through a shopping cart because we believe that an experts’ opinion should be sought before any diamond purchase is completed to avoid disappointment. Although the advent of international diamond certification has leveled out the grading of diamonds to a reasonable extent there are still may diamond that may not actually be what they seem and are often put up for sale online for easier disposal without any form of proper consultation prior to the purchase. Although most online diamond wholesalers will offer a return policy buying from an overseas supplier means that returning the diamond can be very expensive and your GST payment could also be lost.

Our Services

  • White Diamonds
  • Argyle Pink Diamonds
  • Green Diamonds
  • Purple Diamonds
  • Black Diamonds
  • Champagne Diamonds
  • Red Diamonds
Phone: +61 1800 993 697

About Diamond Brokers Queensland

Adrian lee – Owner – Diamond grader and jewellery designer

I cannot think of a better profession than being a diamond merchant. In life, I believe that your work must be as enjoyable as your play. I love working with diamonds and with my clients to help them express their devotion to their partner through the design and creation of their own unique diamond engagement ring.

My captivation for diamonds and jewelry started in high school as an extension of my passion for art and sculpture. The beauty and color of precious gems set within the artistic lines of designer jewelry captured my imagination and lead me on my path towards a career in the jewelry industry. After following interests in business and science to university, I held onto my passion for the jewelry industry and developed a strategy to reconnect with my love for designer jewelry by starting an online business being one of the first jewelers to direct import GIA certified diamond and designing them into exclusive custom made jewelry.

With a drive to operate my own business and with the knowledge of how powerful the internet was becoming for business I saw a great opening in how the modern jewelry store was going to develop and wanted to be at the forefront of this change. Hence I developed Diamond Brokers Queensland as an online diamond merchant facility, which has since progressed to include a retail style jewelry showroom in Cleveland.

Our Location:

180 Queen St, Brisbane City, QLD
, 4000 AU

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