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Koszdin, Fields, Sherry & Katz Worker's Compensation Workplace Injuries Illness Social Security Disability

Koszdin, Fields, Sherry & Katz

What We Do!

A workplace accident or work-related injury causes pain and hardships in your life, especially if it prevents you from returning to your job. The stress and financial strain are compounded if your workers’ compensation benefits are delayed or denied.At Koszdin, Fields, Sherry %38 Katz, we have successfully represented thousands of injured workers and stand ready to help you too. From our office in Van Nuys, we serve clients throughout the Greater Los Angeles area and across Southern California. All of our attorneys are certified specialists* in workers’ compensation law. This designation is based on rigorous standards for legal knowledge, ongoing education, courtroom experience and peer evaluation.Our legal team has handled virtually every type of workplace injury and illness, including physical injuries, repetitive motion injuries, heart conditions, stress-related disability and claims for compensable consequences (side effects of the original work injury). Our mission is to provide compassionate support and strong legal representation to people injured on the job. We are committed to the rights of injured workers and vigorously protecting those rights by standing up to employers and insurance companies.Our law firm also handles claims for Social Security Disability, for both work-related and non-work related injuries.

Our Services

  • Worker's Compensation: Medical Benefits
  • Disability Benefits
  • Claim Denied. Workplace Injuries/Illness: Accidental Physical Injuries
  • Repetitive Motion Injuries
  • Compensable Consequence Claims
  • Work Stress Mental Health Claims. Social Security Disability
Phone: 800-747-3447

About Koszdin, Fields, Sherry & Katz

Koszdin, Fields, Sherry & Katz is one of the most respected workers’ compensation law firms in Southern California. Our firm has maintained a continuous presence in Los Angeles County since 1955, and we have stayed true to the principles on which the firm was founded. Our mission is clear: To provide superior legal representation to injured workers and their families through highly trained, knowledgeable attorneys and staff members who share our passion for service and justice. We are committed to zealously protecting the rights of injured workers.
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STANDING UP FOR Injured Workers For More Than 50 YearsKoszdin, Fields, Sherry & Katz is one of the most respected workers’ compensation law firms in Southern California. Our firm has maintained a continuous presence in Los Angeles County since 1955, and we have stayed true to the principles on which the firm was founded. Our mission is clear: To provide superior legal representation to injured workers and their families through highly trained, knowledgeable attorneys and staff members who share our passion for service and justice. We are committed to zealously protecting the rights of injured workers.Give us a call today for a free consultation to discuss your specific situation.

Why It Makes Sense To Choose Us To Handle Your Workers' Comp Claim
Our attorneys are recognized and respected within the workers’ compensation legal community for our wealth of knowledge and demonstrated results in work injury law. We regularly receive referrals from satisfied clients and other attorneys, and we do not represent employers or insurance companies.

Only attorneys who have been certified by the State Bar of California can refer themselves as “specialists.” Board certification is based on stringent educational requirements, rigorous exams, peer recommendations, demonstrated advocacy in hearings and appeals, and the highest standards of professionalism. Our attorneys have successfully resolved thousands of workplace injury and illness claims, from disabling physical injuries to mental health impairments.

Our Location:

6151 Van Nuys Boulevard, Ground Floor
, California 91401 US

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