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Wall Works | Murrieta California | Kitchen Cabinet Painting Water Damaged Drywall Repair

Wall Works

What We Do!

What’s Wall Works? Oh, you haven’t heard? Wall Works is your go-to company to getting your painting job done quickly, efficiently, and most importantly, right. Serving the Southern California area since 1986, the question isn’t “Why Wall Works?”, it’s why wouldn’t you use us. But, we understand that you don’t know us from a hole in the wall (pun intended), so we put together this quick checklist for you to see if Wall Works is right for your job:

Q. Is your project residential or commercial? / Is it an interior or exterior project?
A. It doesn’t matter, At Wall Works we’re masters of every type of project whether it falls into any of those categories.

Q. Do you want an estimate that is quick, easy, and… wait for it… free?
A. All of our estimates are quick, easy, and free for all our clients. Why should you pay for an estimate? You can give us a call, get your free estimate, and we can start planning your project right away.

Q. Do you want a knowledgeable team that is going to use newer, top-of-the-line equipment?
A. Of course! At Wall Works we are super knowledgeable about all types of projects, from new projects to touch ups, residential projects to commercials ones, and base coats to primers. Also, we always use the most up-to-date brushes and paint and pride ourselves on our cleanliness.

Wall Works is undoubtedly the right place to go for any of your painting needs. Check out our website for more information and give us a call at (951) 698-5588 to get started right away! There’s no more questions, we are here to give your project total attention right down to the last brush stroke.

Our Services

  • Restoring Kitchen Cabinets
  • Refinishing Kitchen Cabinets
  • Cabinet Refacing
  • Painting Kitchen Cabinets
  • Managing Water-Damaged Drywall
  • Water-Damaged Drywall Restoration
  • Water-Damaged Drywall Repair
Phone: 9516955588

About Wall Works

Wall Works provides a full range of professional painting, drywall and stucco services. From residential to commercial, interior to exterior, we handle it all. We perform your paint project with total attention and care right down to the last brush stroke.We always offer free quick-and-easy estimates, and we’re available to start your painting project right away. Some of our services include interior painters, exterior painters, drywall, drywall repair, stucco repair, residential painters, commercial painters and industrial painting services. If you’ve got a kitchen that’s adorned with really elegant pieces of wood cabinetry you don’t really want to perform an extensive paint job. The goal is to breathe life into your wooden kitchen cabinets that may have already dulled throughout the years that they’ve been exposed to smoke and other particles in your kitchen. What you want is for your professional restorer to help you create a magical layer of natural paint that blends exceptionally well with the existing finish of your wooden kitchen cabinets. Every time you restore kitchen cabinets you will have to reflect on what it looked like the first time you had it set up in your kitchen. Those magnificent lines created by the grains of the wood, interspersed with dark pockets or islands that swirl, creating a visual masterpiece in your kitchen need to be restored to their former glory. This is the very essence of restoring kitchen cabinets. So when painting oak cabinets in your kitchen, your aim is to bring forth the natural beauty of this amazing wood. There is no need to hide such splendor. And in case you’re not sure how, you can always call on Wall Works to help you out.

Our Location:

35764 Jack Rabbit Ln
Murrieta, California 92563 US

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