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Nextep Palm Beach,FL 12 Step Fellowship Intensive Outpatient Treatment Peer Support Groups


What We Do!

We understand that sometimes it isn’t practical to stay onsite at our patient residences. That is why we offer outpatient services to aid in your recovery every step of the way. We provide hands-on treatment in our office and all of the education you can bring home with you to help you take an active role in your treatment and outpatient recovery. The goal of Nextep is to provide you with supportive sober living for both men and women who are ready to take the next step in their recovery process. Located in Lee County, we have eleven gender-specific houses that are nestled within quiet, residential areas in Fort Myers, Naples and Cape Coral.

Our Services

  • 12 Step Fellowship
  • Intensive Outpatient Treatment
  • Peer Support Groups
  • Holistic Approaches
  • Partial Hospital Programs
  • Group Counseling
  • Individual Counseling
Phone: 239-362-0144

About Nextep

We are an outpatient substance abuse provider and recovery residence whose primary goal is to teach, model and provide an environment to promote recovery from addiction. Nextep is a certified recovery residence in Southwest FL. Nextep is a level III & level IV - recovery residence through FARR (Florida Association of Recovery Residences) and NARR (National Alliance of Recovery Residences).

Our licensed and certified addiction therapists have a combined 120 years of clinical experience and a shared passion for helping you achieve and maintain your recovery.

All counselors must abide by the relevant Code of Ethics for their own profession, i.e. Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Substance Abuse Counselor to include but not be limited to the NAADAC Code of Ethics.

Several staff, including a fully licensed medical director, carry out duties designed to support your treatment, make your visits comfortable and convenient while meeting professional and regulatory requirements. You will be asked questions about the nature of your problem including duration, frequency and severity of symptoms, and an assessment is made based on a professional evaluation.

Our Location:

6313 Corporate Court #130
Fort Myers, Florida 33919 US

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