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Kristensen Weisberg, LLP

Kristensen Weisberg, LLP

What We Do!

At Kristensen Weisberg, LLP, we stand up for the rights of individuals in Los Angeles and throughout California. Our employment law and personal injury lawyers are prepared to take on any case, no matter how big or complex.

We hate bullies. When a client has been mistreated by an insurance company or by their employer, we take it personally. When someone has suffered a serious injury due to the negligence of another person or business, we take it personally.

Our Services

  • Car Accidents
  • Trucking Accidents
  • Assault
  • Wrongful Death
  • Dog Attack
  • Motor Vehicle Accident
  • Motorcycle Accident

About Kristensen Weisberg, LLP

Kristensen Weisberg, LLP, is a full-service litigation law firm in Los Angeles, California. Due to our legal experience, we are able to handle all types of litigation cases, including those related to personal injury, elder abuse and employment law. We also count our successes in business disputes, product liability cases and consumer class actions. If you or a loved one has been physically, emotionally or financially abused, we are the lawyers you want on your side. We obtained several million dollar recoveries for our clients and were responsible for a then record fine against an automotive company for falsely reporting on recalls of safety defects.

At Kristensen Weisberg, LLP, we pride ourselves on our professionalism and tenacious approach. We do not back down to anyone. Rather, we are attorneys who stand up against insurance companies, employers, manufacturers and corporations to get our clients the justice they deserve. We fight for our clients' rights and despise bullies. We relish litigating against the biggest companies and most stubborn insurance companies.

Due to our personal injury and litigation experience, we are able to handle the most complex and complicated cases, all while treating each case like it is our only one. Some firms push their cases around to junior associates. At Kristensen Weisberg, LLP, that is not the way we do business. Rather, we understand how deeply personal and emotional a case is to our clients, and we treat it as such. We stay involved in all our cases, from beginning to end.

Practice Areas
Personal Injury
Car Accidents
Trucking Accidents
Wrongful Death
Defective Products
Medical Devices
Aviation Accidents
E-Cig Explosion
Employment Law
Sexual Harassment
Wrongful Termination
Consumer Class Actions
Sex Offenses

Our Location:
Los Angeles, California 90066 US

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