MyPoints 2506 Gordon Vet Hospital Veterinarians Country: AU City: Sydney, NSW Social Media Exchange: No Link Exchange: No Accept Email Offers: Yes Join Date: 11-06-2017
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Gordon Vet Hospital

Gordon Vet Hospital

What We Do!

The Gordon Vet Team cares about you and your pets

Our pets deserve the same care and treatment that we get, which is why the Gordon Vet Hospital is here to help. They have a team of veterinarians, who will always look after you and your pets. This is an independently owned veterinarian hospital, and it has been serving the North Shore for over 40 years.

They pride themselves in giving the best care to every pet and their owner out there. Gordon Vet Hospital is partners with Scott Lackenby and David Loneragan, and they are supported by an amazing team of skilled, experienced and caring vets and nurses.

Since the Gordon Vet team deeply cares about your pets, they have a fully equipped hospital, with all of the necessary pet care equipment under one roof. On top of that, their customer service is excellent, which is why all of their pet owners and pets will always feel welcome.

Our Services

  • Veterinary Services
  • Killara vet
  • Lindfield vet
  • North Ryde vet
  • North shore vet
  • North Turramurra vet
  • paralysis tick prevention for dogs
Phone: 9498 3000

About Gordon Vet Hospital

Gordon Vet Hospital is an independently owned hospital andhas been serving the North Shore area for over 40 years. We provide professional pet care, as well as compassion and understanding to all the animals under our care. Our partners, David Loneragan and Scott Lackenby, are supported by a wonderful team of experienced, caring vets and nurses. Much of our staff have been here at Gordon Vet for many years, which means you will be greeted by a familiar face who knows you and your pet well.

All under one roof, Gordon Vet is fully equipped with the facilities, expertise and equipment for outstanding pet care. This means you will get quick results and better patient pet care. This also means we have less reliance on expensive referrals. One of our hospital sites has two operating theatres, radiology, ultrasound, a laboratory, dentistry and endoscopy, so know we can provide the care your pet needs.

Our Location:

19 Ryde Road, Pymble
Sydney, NSW, 2073 AU

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