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AppPerfect Corporation - A software development company

AppPerfect Corporation

What We Do!

AppPerfect is a software development company that develops, markets and supports a comprehensive set of testing and monitoring products and provides robust and cost-effective software development services. AppPerfect Corp. is a software development company located in Cupertino, CA. AppPerfect was started in 2003 to meet the growing needs of software professionals; looking for robust and cost-effective software development, testing and monitoring software.

Our Services

  • Big data services
  • Performance and functional testing
  • Software development services
  • Operations and monitoring

About AppPerfect Corporation

AppPerfect develops, markets and supports a comprehensive set of testing and monitoring products. AppPerfect products are used to analyze, test, tune and monitor Web/Windows applications. Users demand the following characteristics from your application:

Correct Functionally, Efficient use of resources, Highly scalable,
Robust and always available, Instantly responsive to users.

You know from experience how difficult it is to build good quality software that meet these expectations. It requires testing your software at a micro level (unit testing, code analysis, profiling) and at a macro level (functional and load testing).

It requires investing in good people, processes and tools. And it requires careful monitoring once your software is in production. AppPerfect products can assist you achieve these goals.

We invite you to explore our product offerings - better yet - download a free trial copy of the products and find out what over 100,000 users have already discovered - AppPerfect adds a great deal of value to your software development efforts and provides significant benefits for your users.

Our Location:

20065 Stevens Creek Blvd, Suite 2A
Cupertino, California 95014 US

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