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Dr. Schuessler Cell Salts and Tissue Salts World

Cell Salts and Tissue Salts World

What We Do!

Dr. Schuessler Cell Salts and Tissue Salts World Tissue salts also known by the name of cell or bio-chemical salts are made to potenised with the dosage of 12 most important minerals needed by the body for repairing and maintaining.

Our Services

  • Cell Salts
  • Tissue Salts and homeopathic remedies Luyties and Hylands

About Cell Salts and Tissue Salts World

Use Cell Salts/Tissue Salts (also known as Schuessler Salts) for your alternative homeopathic remedies and treatments. We specialize in selling you Cell Salts/Tissue Salts for the lowest price. Be proactive in allowing your body to heal itself with the mineral salts that your body needs. Dr. Schuessler (Schüssler) developed these 12 homeopathic remedies to assist the body with its intracellular biochemical reactions. They may be used for just about any homeopathic remedy. Please try our cell salts/tissue salts for your health needs and homeopathic remedies.

Tissue salts are so effective that it is considered to be an ideal addition to the home first aid kit. They are gentle and effective with natural extracts. Even It is easy to carry and non toxic too. Tissue salts can be used with other prescription medicines as well.
Tissue salts can even be used with drops making it easy for the children who are not able to swallow big tablets and capsules. They are even from lactose and provide a pleasant taste when lace on the tongue.

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