MyPoints 1108 Ersilia Viscusi | Visual & Web Designer Web Design Country: IT City: Rome Social Media Exchange: No Link Exchange: No Accept Email Offers: Yes Join Date: 02-21-2016
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Ersilia Viscusi | Design e strategie per la comunicazione visiva

Ersilia Viscusi | Visual & Web Designer

What We Do!

Graphic e Web Designer freelance, appassionata di progettazione grafica, logo design, brand corporate identity, comunicazione, realizzazione di siti web. Roma

Our Services

  • advertising
  • brand and corporate identity
  • logo design
  • advertising
  • marketing
  • web design

About Ersilia Viscusi | Visual & Web Designer

My name Ersilia, I'm a Visual Designer and Front End Developer freelancer (or more commonly a Graphic & Web Designer). Born and raised in Rome (1984), I studied for years in the Faculty of Economics before I understood what my real propensities and what would be my profession. Passionate about Internet and technology since childhood, always looking for a more creative approach, I decided to change the fate of my destiny and upsetting my training. In the following years, I attend several courses that allow me to consolidate professionals with multidisciplinary skills in the graphic design industry and in that of logical honing my skills in coding; I achieve with honors professional qualifications of "Web Designer - Web Designer" (2007-2008) and "Programmer Multilanguage" (2008-2009) to the Provincial Training Centre Adriatico Professional; parallel study "Graphic Design and Visual Communication" at Quasar Design University and I get, with honors, diplomas of "Graphic Designer" and "Visual Designer" (biennium 2008-2010). Finally, the last major in "Webmaster" (2011-2012) it guarantees the recognition of certification Adobe Certified Associate (ACA) in Web Authoring Using Adobe Dreamweaver and Interactive Media using Adobe Flash Professional. My "mission" is to create effective projects, high quality; I believe in the beauty of the simplicity of fully embracing the minimalist design philosophy. Simplicity equates to common sense, balance. From 2013 to date, winning seven contests with over 250 participants each, of which the design of the brand, website, layout of the application screens Titto App (iOS) for James Lu and Luke Fazio Amazon.

Our Location:

Rome, 00100 IT

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