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Bee Removal USA

Bee Removal USA

What We Do!

Bee Removal USA is an expert for removing bees around your home. We specialize in keeping your home safe from bees and making sure
that they won''t come back again.

Our Services

  • Live and humane bee removal
  • Structural removal
  • Commercial services
  • Elimination removal
  • Wasp/Yellow jackets/Hornet removal

About Bee Removal USA

If you have a bee removal project in your home, we have the ability to offer you the best solution for you. At Bee Removal USA we have all what it takes to remove the bees from your home in the safest and effective manner. We have a valid operating license from the Structural Pest control board, so you can be assured you are working with a reputable company. Regardless of the extent of the infestation, our experts can eliminate them.

Despite that we like removing them when still alive, at times it is not possible if they are too aggressive and pose a threat to public safety. We also kill them if they are inside a structure that is too expensive to open or to access. If the hive is located near a public place such as hospital or a pool or homeowner is allergic, elimination is the safest approach to use. In all our bee removal projects the safety of the public is our priority. When deciding the approach to use, we consider the risk involved in order to carry out in order to promote safety throughout the process.

Bee Removal USA is an expert for removing bees around your home. We specialize in keeping your home safe from bees and making sure
that they won't come back again.

Our Location:

3835 Chestnut Street
Tampa, Florida 33634 US

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