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Gagne, Scherer & Associates, LLC

Gagne, Scherer & Associates, LLC

What We Do!

At Gagne, Scherer & Associates, LLC all of our military attorneys are former JAGs, and we have helped thousands of military members of all ranks, from members in basic training to high-ranked officers. Whether your case is desertion or drugs, mouthing off or murder, we have the skills and track record to help you. From the moment you hire us, we fight to put a wall around you. You need attorneys who know the military, but no longer belong to it.

Our Services

  • Military criminal defense lawyer
  • Civilian military lawyer
  • Court-martial attorney
  • Military sexual abuse attorney
  • Military crime lawyers
  • Military drug charge attorneys
Phone: 773-774-6741

About Gagne, Scherer & Associates, LLC

When a military investigation or court-martial begins, nobody on the government side presumes you’re innocent. They assume you did it and all they need to do now is collect the evidence to prove it. The military has unlimited financial resources, but when it comes to funding, appointed (free) military attorneys are a very low priority. The prosecution has an entire staff of investigators and military police, but the defense has none. The prosecution also has numerous attorneys to handle a heavy case load, but the appointed defense attorney office typically has only one or two, and the appointed military attorney is required to perform the same military, non-law duties as every other officer. It’s not an even playing field. That’s why you need attorneys who have developed the art of winning unfair battles. We have proven again and again that the government can be beaten.

Greg Gagne is a civilian military defense counsel and former member of the JAG Corps. He has represented thousands of military clients facing various forms of disciplinary actions ranging from felony level court martial trials to nonjudicial punishment and administrative actions. Mr. Gagne helped create Gagne, Scherer and Associates to provide defense for military members of all US military branches.
Since starting Gagne, Scherer, & Associates, Mr. Gagne has defended military personnel in the Air Force, Navy, Marines, Army, and Coast Guard. He has represented clients throughout the United States, as well as Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Please feel free to review some of Mr. Gagne’s success stories under “Representative Cases” on our website.

Mr. Gagne received a B.A. in Political Science at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, where he was captain of his college football team. Immediately after completing his undergraduate studies, he entered law school at the University of Connecticut, where he was a member and editor of the Connecticut Insurance Law Journal. He was awarded his Juris Doctorate in May of 2001. Today, Mr. Gagne still calls Connecticut his home.

Keith Scherer is a full-time civilian military defense counsel with extensive civilian and military trial experience. Mr. Scherer’s aggressive representation of his clients has resulted in numerous dismissed charges, acquittals, and grants of clemency. For his own cases and as a consultant, Mr. Scherer has appeared in the national media many times. The national media often seeks him out as an expert on military criminal matters.
Throughout his career as a prosecutor and then as a defense counsel, Mr. Scherer has focused on complex criminal cases. His cases regularly involve computer forensics, drug toxicology, and sexual assault. Because of his experience with complex cases and his knowledge of forensic issues, he has been retained to handle the appeals of military members convicted of premeditated murder.

With his help, military members facing the possibility of life in confinement have avoided federal conviction altogether. In cases where the client has pled guilty, Mr. Scherer has vigorously fought their sentencing cases and helped them receive extremely favorable sentences. As a defense counsel in the Air Force he was regard as “the master of the sentencing case” for his skills in helping clients receive drastically lighter-than-expected sentences.

Our Location:

6585 N.Avondale Ave., Suite D
Chicago, Illinois 60631 US

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