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Bloomfield Hills Family Lawyer

Reinheimer Law Office, PLC

What We Do!

Steven Reinheimer is a skilled attorney in Bloomfield Hills who can advise you if you are filing for a divorce, revising a will or trust, or drafting other legal documents. Contact their office today.

Our Services

  • Family Law
  • Child Custody
  • Divorce
  • Wills and Trusts
  • Lawyers
  • Legal Advice
  • Patient advocate
Phone: 248 972 5525

About Reinheimer Law Office, PLC

Steven Reinheimer is an estate planning and family law attorney who believes that legal advice should not be reserved for the wealthy — it should be available to all who want to provide for their families in the years to come. Mr. Reinheimer’s estate and family law firm can provide valuable advice, whether you are getting engaged, preparing for a divorce, revising a will or trust, or drafting legal documents to accommodate changing life circumstances, such as an injury or disability. As a skilled Bloomfield Hills attorney, Mr. Reinheimer knows how important it is to prepare for the future, whatever your situation, and he can help you take the steps needed to secure your finances and protect your family.
Attorney Steven Reinheimer is a sought-after legal advocate who maintains an impressive record in the legal community. During more than two decades of legal practice, Reinheimer Law Office, PLC has established a reputation for thorough estate planning and tireless advocacy in pursuit of exceptional results for those in need of family law services. Serving Bloomfield Hills and the surrounding communities, we are dedicated to navigating delicate legal problems with precision and control.
In our family law practice, we assist families and individuals who are going through divorce and other family-related issues, ranging from navigating difficult child custody and property division conflicts to the modification of court orders and post-judgment enforcement. We also assist individuals and families with the estate planning process of creating wills and trusts.

Our Location:

7 West Square Lake Road
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48302 US

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