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What We Do!

When you're seeking an agent in Corpus Christi, Northwest Corpus Christi, Calallen, Tuloso-Midway, Odem, Sinton, Robstown, Portland or the Island call who will put your goals first, call on DEE DEE Cortez.
As an agent who's an expert in this local area, I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise about buying and selling real estate here. It's not the same everywhere, especially for military families as an ex-military wife I know what it takes to relocate an you need someone you can trust for up-to-date information.
Oftentimes buyers don't visualize living in your home the way you do. I can make your home attractive to its ideal audience - which can help you get top dollar. Things like staging the home, making repairs or minor improvements, or even simply painting the walls can be the difference between a home resting on the market and one that's sold fast.

Our Services

  • Buy a home
  • Sell your home
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Phone: 361-947-7355

About Dalia

The luckiest people in the world are those who love their work, and that fits Dalia "DEE DEE" Cortez to a "T" she has been "hooked on real estate" for the past 30 years. She never tires of meeting new people, exploring homes and vacant land, searching for just the right property for a client, and overcoming the hurdles that can appear during a real estate transaction. She enjoys the variety that a career in real estate affords and eagerly dives in to learning new skills – whether it's new technology or how best to serve her clients.

She has a very strong working knowledge of the real estate, lending, banking, appraisals, inspectors and title companies industry in Corpus Christi. She's always happy to roll up her sleeves to get the job done.
And… listening well allows her to find solutions to problems others might find impossible to overcome. "Problem solver" is one of the labels DEE DEE has worn throughout her working life. She also takes the time to answer questions and point out areas of concern are hallmarks of DEE DEE and has carried into her career as a Corpus Christi real estate professional.

When you're seeking an agent in Corpus Christi, Northwest Corpus Christi, Calallen, Tuloso-Midway, Odem, Sinton, Robstown, Portland or the Island call who will put your goals first, call on DEE DEE Cortez.

Our Location:

4518 Everhart Rd., Suite #101
, Texas 78411 US

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