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St George Window Washing

St George Window Washing

What We Do!

Our friendly staff comes to your house and can clean the inside and outside of your windows in as little as 2 hours. Learn more on our website.

Our Services

  • window cleaning services
  • St George Window Cleaning Company

About St George Window Washing

Whether you live in a condo or a two store home, we know that every home has windows and those windows need to be cleaned. We also understand how time consuming work and running a home can be, which tends to leave very little time to do the small things around the home such as window cleaning. Well, step in St George Window Washing Company. We are the answer to your prayers and we will clean all your windows for you not once, but on a regular basis too.

St George Window Washing is top service provider of its kind in the business. You won’t find a company that can outwash nor out shine us. We pride ourselves in the quality of work we do. We work to ensure that every window cleaned is as clear as the day it was bought. ‘No streaks or smears’ is our guarantee.

Our team consists of a well-trained staff that understands the need to provide a high quality service. Our staff is made up of highly motivated individuals who enjoy the work that they do. You are guaranteed that they will do a thorough job time and time again. We offer repeat service packages which allow you to have your windows cleaned on a regular basis for an affordable fee. These packages can be tailored to meet your individual needs. We understand that there are some homes that will require more cleaning than others because of factors like children, pets or entertaining guests. To learn more about these special offers feel free to write or call us to find out more.

Our Location:

1634 E Sandhill Drive
Washington, Utah 84780 US

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