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Premium Health Jewelry - Divoti


What We Do!

We are the premier creator of premium health and identification jewelry and accessories at low mark-up prices. Our company mission is “Keepsake Quality, Radical Prices and Favorite Styles”. We are devoted to your health, your performance andyour enjoyment of life. We are the premiere creator, manufacturer and distributor or premium copper, magnetic and ionic germanium jewelry, electronic accessories and health and performance gears. The Divoti name means unparalleled quality at every level.

Our Services

  • Identification Jewelry
  • Premium Health Jewelry
  • Magnetic Therapy Jewelry
  • Bracelets
  • Necklaces
  • Ionic Therapy Jewelry
  • Cufflinks

About Divotiusa

In today’s retail market (both online and off), a store may carry many different items. While you may only see one retailer, the product you are buying may have gone through several different manufacturers, importers, wholesalers, and various sales personnel. Even though some of these individuals may handle more than one aspect of getting the product to you, there still seem to be a lot of people handling that one product. Often those “extra” handlers are looking to make as much profit as they possibly can, and so they cut corners in nearly every way possible. Many times this causes them to select manufacturers that are turning out inferior products. By the time the product gets to you, it may have a price tag that is as much as 8 times the original cost!
At DivotiUSA, we specialize in creating stainless and titanium jewelry and accessories for improved health and well-being. This is our sole focus. Factory knows factories, we know our colleagues in the business. We partner with the best of these manufacturers to bring their strengths into our products. This collaboration brings you the best in quality, in style, and in prices, too!
You can see for yourself how our beautiful (and functional) jewelry and medical alert items compare with other retailers. Stop by our website now to check out our unbelievably-low prices and our exceptionally high quality. Compare our products side by side with the others on the market. Check out why our health jewelry and medical alert collection are better in many ways. We offer 60-day risk free ordering with free standard shipping.

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