Certification Camps Microsoft Training Bootcamp - Sarasota, FL
What We Do!
Receive the best Microsoft Certification Training available. Our Microsoft Certification Courses provide professional Microsoft Training for Windows Server Certifications, CompTia Certifications, and Sharepoint Certifications. Our Microsoft Courses have 96% Pass Rate!
Our Services
- Microsoft Certifications
- Microsoft Exams
- Microsoft Training
- Windows Certification
- Microsoft Courses
- Microsoft Certification Bootcamps
- Microsoft Courses Sarasota, FL
Certification Camps is the industry leader in Microsoft Certification Bootcamps.
Our success rate is second to none with 96% of students passing every exam, first time. Most bootcamps are held in our corporate office location in beautiful Sarasota, FL (Just 1 hour south of Tampa). Our high tech classrooms are equiped with 22 inch flat panel LCDs and desktops with a minimum of 6 gigs of ram.
Each student has a large desk (5 - 6 ft of workspace) and an executive chair. Most importantly, our instructors are second to none. Each instructor also provides consulting services and works on several projects each year in their respective technologies
Our Location:
, 34240 US