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Shop with Avon or Earn with Avon Looking for an Avon Representative? Looking to earn a bit of extra money or long-term income?

What We Do!

Looking for an Avon Representative?
I'm in Southern Ontario and would be happy to be your Avon Lady or find you a Representative near you!

Looking to earn a bit of extra money or long-term income?
I have a good story. Takes about two minutes. Might make you a lot of money, might not. Want to hear it?
Read on......
If you never had to go to work again, would that be okay?
How much money would you need every month to replace your take-home pay, less daycare or commuting expenses?
You know how a lot of people are always worrying about looking younger and a lot of people spend a lot of time on their skincare and makeup?
Well Avon has been around a long time (125 years) and have some really cool products that people really like. They have great award winning skincare breakthroughs and mineral makeup. Plus celebrity fragrances and jewelry, including watches. Avon sells more watches than TIMEX! And great clothes, summer sandals and purses. Lots of gifts too.
Everyone loves Avon and the prices are so reasonable in this tough economy.
Did you know you can earn $20,000 with Avon if you’re willing to work?
I know I’d rather work for me than for anyone else! In fact, most people I know would rather work hard for themselves than to make their boss rich!
To Earn $20,000 a year with Avon all you have to do is find about 60-70 customers who each spend about $25.00 each. If you do that, you’d earn about 50% of all you sell which puts you at earnings of around $385 each week. With that you will make around $20,000 a year. Sound good?
Wait...that's not all!
Now, there are lots of ways to make money with Avon. That’s just one way. I can show you some other fun and easy ways to build a team so you can earn even more money!
Now most people don’t know how to find 60 customers right away, but I can help you learn some good ways to find lots of customers both online and in your daily life!
After all, you learned to drive a car, learned to be a parent, learned how to do email, and you can certainly learn an easy system to find 60 people who like to use the Avon products.
So what’s going to be easier for you?
Going to work every weekday for the rest of your life, fighting traffic, warehousing the kids in day care, and begging for the time off for vacations?
Or would it be easer to learn some easy ways to find 60-70 people who like makeup, skincare, fragrance, jewelry and gifts?
And I almost forgot...Avon rewards you with gifts, celebration dinners and trips. Believe haven't travelled, until you travel with Avon!!
So, what do you think? Did I spark your interest? Contact me if you live in Windsor and surrounding areas (county) and I will fill in the blanks and answer any and all of your questions.

Our Services



Looking for an Avon Representative?
I'm in Southern Ontario and would be happy to be your Avon Lady or find you a Representative near you!

Looking to earn a bit of extra money or long-term income?
I have a good story. Takes about two minutes. Might make you a lot of money, might not. Want to hear it?
Read on......
If you never had to go to work again, would that be okay?
How much money would you need every month to replace your take-home pay, less daycare or commuting expenses?
You know how a lot of people are always worrying about looking younger and a lot of people spend a lot of time on their skincare and makeup?
Well Avon has been around a long time (125 years) and have some really cool products that people really like. They have great award winning skincare breakthroughs and mineral makeup. Plus celebrity fragrances and jewelry, including watches. Avon sells more watches than TIMEX! And great clothes, summer sandals and purses. Lots of gifts too.
Everyone loves Avon and the prices are so reasonable in this tough economy.
Did you know you can earn $20,000 with Avon if you’re willing to work?
I know I’d rather work for me than for anyone else! In fact, most people I know would rather work hard for themselves than to make their boss rich!
To Earn $20,000 a year with Avon all you have to do is find about 60-70 customers who each spend about $25.00 each. If you do that, you’d earn about 50% of all you sell which puts you at earnings of around $385 each week. With that you will make around $20,000 a year. Sound good?
Wait...that's not all!
Now, there are lots of ways to make money with Avon. That’s just one way. I can show you some other fun and easy ways to build a team so you can earn even more money!
Now most people don’t know how to find 60 customers right away, but I can help you learn some good ways to find lots of customers both online and in your daily life!
After all, you learned to drive a car, learned to be a parent, learned how to do email, and you can certainly learn an easy system to find 60 people who like to use the Avon products.
So what’s going to be easier for you?
Going to work every weekday for the rest of your life, fighting traffic, warehousing the kids in day care, and begging for the time off for vacations?
Or would it be easer to learn some easy ways to find 60-70 people who like makeup, skincare, fragrance, jewelry and gifts?
And I almost forgot...Avon rewards you with gifts, celebration dinners and trips. Believe haven't travelled, until you travel with Avon!!
So, what do you think? Did I spark your interest? Contact me if you live in Windsor and surrounding areas (county) and I will fill in the blanks and answer any and all of your questions.

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