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The Cigarette Shop

What We Do!

We hand-make, hand-craft 1/6th scale, exact replica Cigarette Packs, Ace of Spades, Cigarette Paper Pack, Gum and Matchbooks. These are one of a kind, unique collector items. Use with your GI Joe Soldiers, maybe your Barbie's (for adult collectors), or just sit them on a shelf to admire!

Each item is an exact replica, from that era, exact on all sides. The cigarette packs are solid so they won't collapse, and are actual drawn images - not - scanned. The detail is incredible - Don't be fooled by others!

These are the best quality on the internet, available in ANY brand, and come pre-assembled! You will not be disappointed with this addition to your display or collection!

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We hand-make, hand-craft 1/6th scale, exact replica Cigarette Packs, Ace of Spades, Cigarette Paper Pack, Gum and Matchbooks. These are one of a kind, unique collector items. Use with your GI Joe Soldiers, maybe your Barbie's (for adult collectors), or just sit them on a shelf to admire!

Each item is an exact replica, from that era, exact on all sides. The cigarette packs are solid so they won't collapse, and are actual drawn images - not - scanned. The detail is incredible - Don't be fooled by others!

These are the best quality on the internet, available in ANY brand, and come pre-assembled! You will not be disappointed with this addition to your display or collection!

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