What We Do!
This site is dedicated to share .NET resources. If you are stuck trying to solve some .NET problem, this will be a good place to start finding the solution. The chance that someone somewhere have struggled with the same problem as you, is big. Use this site to find some of the best online resources out there.If you need a .NET component for your program or website, iCanDotNet also holds a .NET component library.Almost every ASP.NET application uses some kind of database, and so do a lot of Windows applications. iCanDotNet also have a database resources section.iCanDotNet also have a library of tools used to develop .NET applications.If you know a .NET resource that is not on iCanDotNet, you are welcome to send a mail to info@icandotnet.dk, with a short description and a link, and I will put it on the site.
Our Services
This site is dedicated to share .NET resources. If you are stuck trying to solve some .NET problem, this will be a good place to start finding the solution. The chance that someone somewhere have struggled with the same problem as you, is big. Use this site to find some of the best online resources out there.If you need a .NET component for your program or website, iCanDotNet also holds a .NET component library.Almost every ASP.NET application uses some kind of database, and so do a lot of Windows applications. iCanDotNet also have a database resources section.iCanDotNet also have a library of tools used to develop .NET applications.If you know a .NET resource that is not on iCanDotNet, you are welcome to send a mail to info@icandotnet.dk, with a short description and a link, and I will put it on the site.