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The Medlin Law Firm-

The Medlin Law Firm

**Over 79 Years Combined Criminal Defense Experience** ** Board Certified in Criminal Law, Texas Board of Legal Specialization, since 1989** Our law firm in Fort Worth Texas is driven with one simple goal in mind and that is to deliver the best possible result on every case we represent. We know that for every criminal case that we pursue, there is a human being that is dependent on us for defending his or her rights, freedom and future wellbeing. This type of an understanding is the foundation of any successful attorney-client relationship. Everyone should be deserving of a lawyer that they feel comfortable working with. You need someone by your side, who knows and understands the sum and substance of the Texas criminal justice system, and who is familiar with the courts, judges, prosecutors and clerks in the various jurisdictions of the state of Texas. We are committed 110% in being that firm for you! The Medlin Law Firm 1300 S University Dr #318 Fort Worth, TX 76107 (682) 204-4066

A Defense Attorney Differentiates Bail & Bond Release Options

Facing criminal charges can be both confusing and frightening at the same time. Nobody wants to end up in jail, but if it’s inevitable, you have at least two options for temporary release. It’s either bail or bonds. However, the process can be complicated, so you need a Defense Attorney to help you. Taking responsibility for your charges may also involve navigating the bail or bond system. If you’re considering your options for release, it’s essential to comprehend the factors influencing bail amounts and your obligations upon temporary release. Learn how a competent lawyer can assist you in resolving this issue. Defense Attorney Secures Temporary Release A criminal law attorney ensures you are treated fairly throughout the proceedings. They protect you from unlawful searches and uphold your right to due process. An experienced defense lawyer also helps secure a temporary release while awaiting trial. You can decide with your lawyer whether to go for bail or bond. With their experience, these legal professionals can assist you in finding the right strategy that fits your particular case and advocate your best interests along the way. Their skills include their ability to weigh the most applicable temporary release option for your case. They’ll be transparent about your various options. Overview Of Temporary Release Options Temporary release options are available to those arrested and awaiting trial. Bail and bond may vary based on the jurisdiction and the case’s circumstances. Learn the common types in Texas you can use to get out of jail while the court hears your case. Cash Bail Cash bail is when you pay the court the entire bail amount. The court holds on to the money until all the hearings are finished. If you attend all hearings, you will get back the bail money minus court fees. Not all can afford this option, but for those who can, cash bail gives a way to avoid additional fees from bond companies. Surety Bond The most common type of bail bond is the surety bond. If you can’t pay the amount in full, an agent or bondsman steps in to post the bail on your behalf. However, this isn’t a free service. You still have to pay the agent for their assistance securing your temporary release. Personal Recognizance Bond For a personal recognizance bond, you are released without the need to pay the bail. This is only accepted when you agree to attend all court hearings. Usually, this release option is for individuals who have committed minor offenses. Property Bond If the bail amount is high, you or your family can secure your release through collateral. Usually, real estate is used as collateral to cover the bail. If you fail to appear in court, the property is forfeited. Exploring the different bail and bond options provides valuable insight into securing an early release. To fully grasp this concept, it’s vital to understand the distinguishing factors between bail and a bond deeply. Distinct Differences Between Bail & Bonds When you are arrested and charged with an offense, there are two primary methods for securing release from jail: bail or bond. Although they are often interchanged, bail and bond are distinct legal concepts. Characteristics Of Bail Bail is the monetary amount you must pay for temporary release while awaiting trial. It guarantees the court you will appear for scheduled hearings. The bail cost is usually decided by the judge, who considers various factors, either at the initial appearance or during a separate hearing. Characteristics Of Bonds A bond provides an alternative if you cannot pay the entire bail. A bail bondsman agrees with the court and is responsible for posting the amount. You must pay a non-refundable fee to the bondsman, usually around 10% of the bail amount. Collateral, such as a car or house, may be required to secure the bond. When you attend all your court hearings, the court returns the money to the bondsman. These financial arrangements are crucial for any accused individual to gain release from custody while awaiting trial or court proceedings. Understanding how the bail system works in Fort Worth can help you navigate your situation better. The Bail System In Fort Worth, Texas Knowing how the bail system works is essential if you are arrested and booked for an offense or crime. Understanding the bail process, its limits, and factors affecting the amount can help you make informed decisions as you go through the process. Bail Process When an individual is arrested and charged with a crime, the court sets a trial date and a bail amount. You or your family can post bail in cash or a surety bond. Once the amount is posted, you can be temporarily released from the custody of the authorities. Bail Limits Bail limits in Fort Worth vary depending on the nature of the crime or offense. The courts use some guidelines to set the amount, but judges may sometimes deviate from the set limits depending on certain circumstances. Misdemeanor Offenses. These charges are categorized in Texas as Class A, B, and C. They commonly have lower bail limits, averaging $500 to $5000. Felony Offenses. There is no fixed bail amount for felony cases; it depends on several factors. However, since felonies are more serious, bail can cost tens of thousands or even more. Capital Offenses. Capital offenses, such as murder, are the most severe felonies in Texas. Due to their extremity, they are non-bailable and punishable by death or life imprisonment. The seriousness of the crime can impact bail limits. However, what specific factors are considered when determining the final and total amount• Factors Affecting Bail Amounts Judges weigh multiple factors when determining the appropriate bail amount for a defendant. This careful consideration allows them to establish a fair and reasonable amount for you. Severity Of The Offense The nature and severity of the alleged offense are significant factors in determining bail amounts. More serious crimes, such as violent felonies or offenses involving substantial harm to others, result in higher bail amounts. Defendant’s Criminal History If you have a criminal record, the court will use it to determine the bail amount. They also look at your past crimes. If your offenses are deemed severe, the bail is set at a higher amount. Meanwhile, they may deny posting bail if there’s an outstanding warrant. Flight Risk The bail is higher if a judge considers you a flight risk or someone deemed prone to attempt to flee the country or state. They look at your court appearance record and financial capacity to determine whether you may tend to flee. Poor court hearing attendance might indicate that you risk running away from your charges, especially if you have enough finances. Moreover, if you have strong ties to the community, such as your family, you’re less likely to flee, and the bail amount might be lowered. However, the risks increase if you have no reason to stay in the area, so a higher bail amount is set. Public Safety Concern If a judge deems you are a threat to the community, they might set the bail amount high or even deny you bail. Individuals who previously committed serious felonies are considered a public safety concern. Understanding the various factors affecting the bail amount provides the knowledge to decide whether to opt for bail or bond. However, it’s important to note that no matter your choice, you still have obligations to the court after you are released. Defense Attorney Protects Your Interests After you have posted bail and granted release, you can await trial while free. Some legal rights you retain are being innocent until proven guilty by a court of law, the right to legal counsel, and being provided with due process. However, you should note that even if you are released from jail, you are still obligated to attend court hearings and follow other conditions set by the court. You may be re-arrested if you violate the conditions and your bail revoked. To learn more about your legal rights and obligations, consult an experienced defense attorney. The Medlin Law Firm Provides Options When determining the most appropriate release option, consulting with a reputable attorney can significantly impact your case. Experienced defense lawyers from The Medlin Law Firm guide you throughout the bail process until you are released. Their knowledge and skills help you weigh your options effectively and provide advice tailored to your current situation. By getting the services of this top-notch law firm, you will have more confidence in handling your situation. It can provide competent and skilled legal support from the start, giving you suitable options for your temporary release. Summary Navigating the intricacies of the legal system when you are charged with an offense can be daunting. Therefore, understanding different release options, such as bail and bonds, is crucial. It helps you weigh your options wisely regarding your release. However, you should also know your legal rights and obligations while on bail. You will need a helping hand to effectively guide you through this crucial stage. Seeking assistance from a defense attorney at The Medlin Law Firm is important during legal proceedings, ensuring fair treatment and securing temporary release.