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What is ZeoPro ?

For the first time, you will experience a truly new gardening product…NASA’s invention of a nutrient packed growing medium, plant food and high-performance soil amendment. No more over fertilizing. Eliminate contaminating your garden, greenhouse, or your indoor growing area with harmful chemical based fertilizers, plant foods or soil amendments. This all purpose plant food, fertilizer, soil amendment and conditioner is great for growing award winning flowers and vegetables, indoor and outdoor plants, including growing giant pumpkins and hydroponics applications. ZeoPro is an ecologically friendly, safe and non-toxic product that enables indoor and outdoor plants to determine when they need nutrition, delivering a balanced diet of slow released plant nutrients. Through scientifically space age technology, ZeoPro will enhance any soil, even clay soils or sandy soils with poor nutrient retention and performs best when blended into natural soils, commercial or consumer specialty potting mixes, ZeoPro is so unique that its “on demand” technology allows the plant to determine when it needs nutrition, so you don’t have to. ZeoPro is different from all other similar garden products on the market today because it is an all purpose plant food, soil amendment, growing medium, slow release fertilizer combination. ZeoPro performs extremely well indoors and outdoors for growing: flowers, vegetables, tropicals, houseplants, seedlings, hanging baskets, water gardens, interiorscapes, window boxes, roof-top gardens, container gardening, cactus, annuals, perennials, roses, hydroponics, trees and shrubs. Use ZeoPro by blending it into different soils, growing media or your favorite potting mix. Let ZeoPro be the solution helping you solve your gardening problems... safely, naturally, effectively.
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