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Cognigen - A place to be.....

Cognigen's vision is to build shareholder value by becoming the market leader in the worldwide distribution of telecommunications and data services. Cognigen Networks Inc. is a leader in online marketing. With one of the first technologically advanced web sites, Cognigen is powering the convergence of customers and sales agents in the Internet marketing. By strategically aligning with world-class technology leaders, Cognigen's sales agents and affinity groups of every type and size can benefit from the full potential of the Internet. Cognigen offers a wide variety of competitive advantages to its agents, including cutting-edge best rate search engine technology, a broad assortment of product offerings that cater to the vast majority of communications users, visionary leadership, key strategic alliances, and a strong applications service provider (ASP) backbone which facilitates the customization of telecommunications products and services to meet the changing demands of our sales agents and clientele.
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