Judo Uniforms
Black Eagle have now introduced a brand new range of Judo Uniforms, aimed at the beginner and internediate Student looking for a high quality, yet durable Judo Gi.Quilted and woven jacket strengthened to ensure it will withstand the rigours of training, and trousers that are quilted and re-inforced around the knee to provide a hard wearing uniform for standing and floor work.
Black Eagle Judo Gi are also 'sanforized'. Manufactured from 100% woven and weaved cotton, and specially treated to guarantee they will never shrink out of fit! Now you can buy the size you need without worrying about shrinkage!!
Competitively priced and to a high quality standard, our Judo Uniforms provide both beginners and intermediate Judo Students with a solid and functional Judo Gi for all training and competition.
Available from stock now!