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Plant Forr Birds and Have Year Round Color and Song

Ronald Patterson I've been fascinated by wild birds as long as I can remember. I started feeding them as a 10 year old boy. That was 41 years ago. Not until my mid 30's did I really take time to plan and plant for wildlife. I've been a gardener all my life so that wasn't a problem. Knowing what to plant, where and why was a learning experience. As a Michigan Certified Nurseryman, I'm still learning. If you have a small suburban lot or can plan on a grand scale, gardening for birds can be accomplished. Think like a bird! No, I'm not calling you a bird brain. Look at your landscape from a vantage point like a balcony or a deck. Get a bird's eye view. Now, what will make your yard attractive to birds? Do you have mature trees already? Great if you do. What is under the tree canopy? Do you have other native small trees and shrubs planted? What about flowers and ground covers. Next time you are in a park or take a walk in the woods, take a look at your surroundings. You will notice the different levels of plant life. You will also notice that different birds live at different levels. This is a wildlife habitat, nature's way. Now you may want to copy nature or create your own little world. Either way, think native plants and also think of your own eye appeal. Plant some flowers and shrubs that you like as well. Find plants and trees that are native to your region. If you aren't sure, ask your local nursery or garden center. Because a plant is zone hardy doesn't make it right for your area. Find out what birds live in your area and what will attract them You wont get cardinals or bluebirds no matter how hard you try if they are not in your region or conditions aren't to their liking. Plan and re-plan your task on paper. Draw your plants in as mature plants. All to often we buy several little plants and bunch them together. Three years later we are digging them up and moving them or giving the away. Plant evergreens as well as deciduous. What bears fruits and seeds. What time of year will the bear fruit? Crabapples (Malus) and Winterberry holly (Ilex verticillata) offer food and color well into winter. Will there be enough protection from predators? Will the birds find your yard acceptable for raising a family? Native grasses offer food, protection and nesting materials. Flowers and ground covers offer up nectar and seeds. They also bring bugs and birds love bugs. Birds add color, movement and sound to our yards everyday of the year. Few things are more relaxing and make a soul glad then listening to and watching wild birds. Add a few feeders and some fresh water. Your wild bird habitat is now your own little nature preserve to enjoy and share. To learn more about backyard birding and gardening for birdsgo to: Learn from Ronald Patterson, a "Wildlife Habitat Naturalist" and "Michigan Certified Nurseryman." Ron also is a speaker and writer. Sign up for his newsletter today at: And learn from one of America's backyard birding experts. =
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