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A Reality Check For Pantelists

There is a train of universalist thought that says, "Since we are all going to be saved anyway what difference does anything make." I disagree with that attitude, and believe it's particularly dangerous at this point in history. At a time when much of Bible prophecy is being fulfilled, preterism is gaining popularity (both among traditionalists, and universalists.) Pantelism is the universalist version. Both preterists and pantelists see all the prophecies of the Old and New Testaments being fulfilled in the events surounding the fall of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. This article examines the claims of prererists and pantelists in the light of scripture and history. It also examines some of the false claims they make concerning the origins of futurism, and the meaning of the Greek word "genea." To read more, please visit my web site. God bless
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