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What About The Unpardonable Sin?

Jesus said that there was a sin that would not be forgiven, in this age or the coming age (Matt. 12:32, N.I.V., Young's Literal Translation, C.L.N.T., The Amplified Bible, and any other good translation), but what is this sin? I know someone who was raised in the Christian faith, married a Jew, and converted to Judaism. Did she commit this sin? The New International Version's footnote to Hebrews 6:6 gives this as an alternate reading of verses 4-6: "It is be brought back to repentance WHILE to their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again." ...the N.I.V. renders Heb. 10:26 as follows: "If we deliberately KEEP ON SINNING..." In the original Greek, this verse contains a present participle followed by a present tense verb. The meaning is that as long as we continue to sin wilfully, there is no sacrifice for this sin. I believe a Christian's faith can lapse. Even if they've fallen into serious sin, or apparently denied the Faith, I believe they may still be among the elect, and the Lord may yet grant repentance. To read more visit my web site, and to discuss this topic visit my new Discussion Board. God bless. Email: Website:
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