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Design Patent Registration, Electronics patent Lawyer, Granted and Published Patents

Our managing patent attorney Ash Tankha has filed patent applications in different domains such as software, business methods, mechanical, electronic communication and semiconductors, chemical, pharmaceutical and biotechnology with the US Patent and Trademark Office and other foreign patent offices. Please feel free to contact us for references.

Prior to filing a patent application, our patent attorney conducts an extensive prior art search using subscription based databases to determine if the concept of the invention is novel. The patent application is consequently filed with the patent office after the client has approved of the same.

Given below is a step-wise, brief description of the patent process:
Prior art Search:
The first step in the patent application process is to have a professional prior art search conducted for your inventive concept prior to filing the patent application. IP Legal Services' prior art search experts conduct a thorough worldwide and national search on the Thomson Innovation database to check for patentability, novelty and non-obviousness. The prior art search prevents unnecessary filing costs to the applicant if a similar concept already has a patent application filed. If the search shows that your inventive idea is new and unique, we will provide you with our patentability opinion. Our patent attorney will send you with the search results and our patentability opinion within 5 working days. A professional prior art search also allows us to write a more comprehensive application with broader claims for the invention.
For more information on our detailed search process, click here
Patent Drafting:
If the search result indicates that the inventive concept is novel and may contain patentable subject matter, a draft of the patent application is prepared for filing with the U.S.PTO. For more information on our patent drafting process, click here
Patent Filing:
Once the draft of the patent application is prepared, the draft of the application is sent to the client for the client's review and comments. Once the application is approved by the client for filing, IP Legal Services files the patent application with the U.S.PTO or the appropriate foreign patent office.
Patent Prosecution:
Our patent attorney files responses to office actions issued by the U.S.PTO for patent applications under examination. Often, inventors receive an office action, for example an objection or rejection of a claim from the US Patent and Trademark Office, for which the patent attorney prepares the responses and optionally interviews the U.S.PTO patent examiners to advance the prosecution of the application.

IP Legal Services provides services for clients both nationally and internationally in patent related matters in diverse areas of technology. Follow the links below to see in which domains your inventive concept lies. The published and granted patent applications are listed in the below links.

Business Method Patents
Software & IT Patents
Electronics, Communication and Semiconductor Patents
Mechanical Patents
Chemical Patents
Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Patents
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