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The Best Ways to Research Addiction Treatment Facilities

While numerous addiction treatment centers span across the country, it seems that the success rate highly depends on what treatment method the patient receives.

This above theory found itself in a brighter spotlight following Columbia University’s five-year study conducted for its National Center of Addiction and Substance Abuse Program.

The study, Addiction Medicine: Closing the Gap between Science and Practice revealed vital information for both patients and their families.

While the study acknowledged that an array of “evidence-based” practices such as screening models, intervention tactics, and addiction management tools were available to professionals, for some reason, they weren’t fully utilized.

A written portion of the synopsis summary also revealed, “The report exposes the fact that most medical professionals who should be providing treatment are not sufficiently trained to diagnose or treat addiction, and most of those providing addiction treatment are not medical professionals and are not equipped with the knowledge, skills or credentials necessary to provide the full range of evidence-based services, including pharmaceutical and psychosocial therapies and other medical care.”  Considered a “landmark research study,” the core of this informational piece proved more than ever how important it is for people to do their due diligence when it comes to finding the appropriate drug and alcohol treatment program.

Finding a facility which employs medical professionals who understand the disease of addiction is imperative in their multimodal practices.  Another important piece is finding a facility whose team is seasoned in this field as well a finding people who provide genuine care to help a patient and their loved ones get through the recovery journey.

A critical aspect in recovery is for the patient to undergo a therapeutic model.  This type of pathway clearly uncovers the issues which are causing the addiction or the behavior for the addiction.  Once the issue(s) is resolved than the addiction recovery can truly begin.

A dual diagnosis treatment program also offers a high ratio of success stories.

Other key aspects to consider in a potential treatment center are:

  • Visiting with the treatment center and speaking with their case management team members
  • Checking on the treatment center’s credentials, affiliations and its campus surroundings
  • Verifying the top hierarchy of their team should consist of master and doctorate level personnel
  • The treatment model is consistent with a patient’s values – some 12-step or spiritual based philosophies may not blend well with a patient’s own belief system so compatibility is very important
  • While group therapy may be fine for some, studies are showing that one-on-one sessions with a licensed therapist promotes healing
  • For in-house rehabilitation, gender separate living quarters may prove to be more successful

As mentioned before, a dual therapy approach to drug or alcohol addiction will help a patient with any underlying issues such as depression or other social challenges. A successful addiction program will address not only the addiction itself, but what is manifesting or spurring the addiction. 

A few of these dual areas may include:

  • Psychological
  • Social
  • Medical 

When interviewing these rehabilitation centers, ask for their success rates in terms of their treatment models.

Addiction recovery is a journey and finding the right treatment approach and facility is the starting point.

For more information about drug rehab center and non 12 step program visit Miramar Laguna Beach

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