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Introducing MaxCon Pro version 3.0! MaxCon’s Construction Software Application for Your Company

Introducing MaxCon Pro 3.0! MaxCon’s latest solution for a total Construction Management Software. MaxCon Pro is a web-based application for your iPhone, iPad, Android, or Laptop; all clients are consolidated in real time and available in your MaxCon Pro online portal.

MaxCon Pro delivers a complete web accessible solution for construction companies to organize operations, energize workers, and maximize profits. With MaxCon Pro, users have real time interaction at all organization levels. Next-generation MaxCon Pro includes management tools, production tracking, and real time reports on profitability, job costs, marketing, sales and payroll.

MaxCon Pro guides sales and crew management integrating Google maps, Google Earth, and Weather Decision Technologies hailstorm images. Managers assign leads to sales reps already in an area by referencing all client locations. These proximity-based capabilities will super-charge your productivity: more selling and work time; less travel time.

Added features to maximize profits include MaxCon integration with Quick Books, Google Calendar and the top aerial roof diagramming services. To round out its leading package, MaxCon offers state-of-the-art remote storage, and data security.

Find out today how MaxCon Pro can benefit you. Don't let the dollars you spend on estimating and ordering go to waste. Make the most of your sales force.

Questions? Please give us a call or check out our web site.

MaxCon Software
Toll Free: 855-922-8546

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