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supercleancarpets carpet cleaning in cannock, stafford and walsall

A vanish no no

I can't stress any more how important it can be to follow
this tip. If you have nice lovely carpets especially if there of
a light colour (white's and cream's) don't use vanish or 1001
on those tough stains sometimes it works. but alot of the time
it just doesn't instead it sets the stain and can make it even worse
sometimes it will leave dark spots that are like a grey colour
where the stain once was that can be impossible to remove.
And the worst thing is that the original stain probably
would have been easy to get rid of using much more
cheaper and safer methods.
Washing powder (not washing up liquid) can work wonders
on some stains after all we use it on our delicate clothes every day.
so if your careful with washing powder its totally safe to use.
my tip is if you have a stain make you sure get to it straight away
don't leave it to dry. Try and blot up as much of the stain as you can
don't rub it in. mix a small amount of washing powder in a cup or jug
with warm water. Pour the mixed washing powder on the stain
and leave for about 4-5 minutes then try blotting the stain if that
doesn't work try with a light brush to scrub the stain lightly.
Once the stain has been removed you need to try and remove
as much of the detergent as possible to prevent the carpet from
easily soiling again. If you still can't get rid of the stain don't use
Vanish or 1001 call in a professional like us and we will remove it for you.
Specialist carpet cleaning in Cannock, Stafford and Walsall
Call: 01543 468376 or 07543 634059

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