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All You Need to Know About Septic Tanks

All You Need to Know About Septic Tanks

Waste is produced in various forms. But have you ever thought about what happens to the waste after you dispose it? The amount of waste produced by society is massive and cannot be simply stored in a large box or container, nor can the waste be left just like that as it can be harmful for the surroundings. Waste needs to be transformed into a form that is safe for the environment to handle. Septic tanks play an indispensable part in your life by taking care of the waste you produce.

What is a septic tank and how does it work

When you dispose off your household waste, it washes down the sanitation system of your house. But that is not the end of it. The waste water, after that, gets piped down to your septic tank.

Septic tanks are used predominantly for the storage of temporary waste. This waste begins to separate after settling down- the solid, heavier, metal like waste sits to the bottom while the lighter waste moves up to the top of the tank. Bacteria are placed in the tank to eat up the waste, which may not sound appealing but serves as a basic aid for the tank to work efficiently. The bacteria eat up the solid waste accumulated at the bottom of the tank and almost half of the waste is transformed into liquid and gaseous forms. The gas and the liquid automatically start moving towards the upper surface of the tank.

When the liquid reaches the level of the drainage pipe, it spreads into the network of underground pipes. The liquid then gets carried away by pipes so that it can be absorbed into the soil. The rest of the process is completed by the microbes present into the soil which decompose the liquid and transform it into a safe form.

How to ensure that the bacteria work efficiently?

The bacteria carry out the very important task of transforming the waste into an environment friendly form. It is very important for the bacteria to be alive and hungry or else the waste cannot be broken down and the process comes to a standstill. To avoid this, septic tank additives can be added, which ensure that the process keeps going. Even if some of the bacteria die off, the additives will help the process to continue.

best way to keep a septic tank in a good condition is to limit the amount of water drained into the system. Too much of water can overtax the system and the solid waste tends to be carried away without being broken properly. Another important thing to remember, to add life to septic tanks is to avoid using harsh chemicals for cleaning the tanks. The chemicals can hinder the process of transformation of the waste into the harmless form. 

Septic tank is an essential component for the smooth functioning of our daily lives as it performs the very important task of keeping the environment safe and clean. Call your local Plumber if your have any further questions.

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