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Are You Looking For A FREE Roof Inspection?

Are You Looking For A FREE Roof Inspection?

For the purpose of this page it is necessary first to agree upon what a roof inspection is.

As defined in wikipedia:

For Real Estate
A property inspection is the examination for purposes of evaluating a property's condition. In purchasing property, a "whole house inspection" tries to detect defects in the property.

And therefore it should go without saying that when a home inspection is done and it is determined that a specialized roof inspection is called for, the same applies to the roof.

Now I know this sounds impossible but I assure you this happens every single day.

Most of the people that offer free "roof inspections" in Northern California will look at your roof and give you a paper that says something like: "For Purposes of Certification Evaluation Only" which means that YOU ARE NOT GETTING A ROOF INSPECTION. You are getting a free estimate for a roof certification and there is a huge difference.
It says right on it that it is only for certification evaluation. They are only calling the things they need to fix to give you a two year certification.
At least 90% of the time the free "roof inspection" will be performed by someone with NO credentials and little experience. There boss is simply calling them an inspector and that's it. (Like my inspector's at right)

The total amount will usually be in the $500.00 area, as most property managers are pre authorized to spend this amount, and it is not based on what the roof actually needs anyway, so the repairs get authorized without scrutiny.

They can bang these "inspections"out by the hundreds because there is no content, no liability and no accountability.

Next the repairs get done, (Usually by equally unqualified personnel) then the 2 year certification is issued and the sale goes through easily.


The problem is, that there could be (and usually are) very significant defects that a buyer should know about but won't be told, and because they think they hired a "professional" roof inspector who is actually going to give them the information they need, they buy the house misinformed and have to deal with it later.

If the so called inspector or company is called on it they will just say "Whoops! we made a mistake!" and quite often there will be no location where you can actually go see them (just a P.O. box) so that's the end of it, and they move on to the next unsuspecting home buyer.

In 40 years of roofing work I have yet to see two identical roofs, but since I started checking about 6 months ago, I have seen several perfectly identical free roof "inspection reports". They are vague, uninformative and in my opinion, worth what was paid - no, actually you would be better off with no report.

At Ron Williams Roof Doctor, we are a roofing and roof repair company who offers roof inspection and certification services. The difference is:

When we are hired to do an inspection, our focus is to provide our customer all pertinent information regarding the roof, regardless of certification conditions. If you don't want the information, you don't want us.

When we arrive at a site, we have been paid for the inspection and don't need to sell anything beyond that.

Our inspection is not solely for the purpose of our certification evaluation.

Our inspection is for the purpose of giving the customer all available information pertaining to the roof. Our inspector is actually qualified so we know that the information given in our report is accurate and will stand up against all scrutiny or argument under any conditions. We don't need to include any disclaimers like "For Purposes of Certification Evaluation Only" because it is a real inspection, for purposes of being informed about all of the roofs defects.

Our report IS A REAL ROOF INSPECTION and will not be refuted.

If you want to know all about your roof, you can't beat an inspection report done by Ron Williams Roof Doctor.

If you don't really want to know, but still need an "inspection" then the free route may be for you.

Fred n' Ethel
- Inspectors -

For the purpose of this page it is necessary first to agree upon what a roof inspection is.

As defined in wikipedia:

For Real Estate
A property inspection is the examination for purposes of evaluating a property's condition. In purchasing property, a "whole house inspection" tries to detect defects in the property.

And therefore it should go without saying that when a home inspection is done and it is determined that a specialized roof inspection is called for, the same applies to the roof.

Now I know this sounds impossible but I assure you this happens every single day.

Most of the people that offer free "roof inspections" in Northern California will look at your roof and give you a paper that says something like: "For Purposes of Certification Evaluation Only" which means that YOU ARE NOT GETTING A ROOF INSPECTION. You are getting a free estimate for a roof certification and there is a huge difference.
It says right on it that it is only for certification evaluation. They are only calling the things they need to fix to give you a two year certification.
At least 90% of the time the free "roof inspection" will be performed by someone with NO credentials and little experience. There boss is simply calling them an inspector and that's it. (Like my inspector's at right)

The total amount will usually be in the $500.00 area, as most property managers are pre authorized to spend this amount, and it is not based on what the roof actually needs anyway, so the repairs get authorized without scrutiny.

They can bang these "inspections"out by the hundreds because there is no content, no liability and no accountability.

Next the repairs get done, (Usually by equally unqualified personnel) then the 2 year certification is issued and the sale goes through easily.


The problem is, that there could be (and usually are) very significant defects that a buyer should know about but won't be told, and because they think they hired a "professional" roof inspector who is actually going to give them the information they need, they buy the house misinformed and have to deal with it later.

If the so called inspector or company is called on it they will just say "Whoops! we made a mistake!" and quite often there will be no location where you can actually go see them (just a P.O. box) so that's the end of it, and they move on to the next unsuspecting home buyer.

In 40 years of roofing work I have yet to see two identical roofs, but since I started checking about 6 months ago, I have seen several perfectly identical free roof "inspection reports". They are vague, uninformative and in my opinion, worth what was paid - no, actually you would be better off with no report.

At Ron Williams Roof Doctor, we are a roofing and roof repair company who offers roof inspection and certification services. The difference is:

When we are hired to do an inspection, our focus is to provide our customer all pertinent information regarding the roof, regardless of certification conditions. If you don't want the information, you don't want us.

When we arrive at a site, we have been paid for the inspection and don't need to sell anything beyond that.

Our inspection is not solely for the purpose of our certification evaluation.

Our inspection is for the purpose of giving the customer all available information pertaining to the roof. Our inspector is actually qualified so we know that the information given in our report is accurate and will stand up against all scrutiny or argument under any conditions. We don't need to include any disclaimers like "For Purposes of Certification Evaluation Only" because it is a real inspection, for purposes of being informed about all of the roofs defects.

Our report IS A REAL ROOF INSPECTION and will not be refuted.

If you want to know all about your roof, you can't beat an inspection report done by Ron Williams Roof Doctor.

If you don't really want to know, but still need an "inspection" then the free route may be for you.

For the purpose of this page it is necessary first to agree upon what a roof inspection is.

As defined in wikipedia:

For Real Estate
A property inspection is the examination for purposes of evaluating a property's condition. In purchasing property, a "whole house inspection" tries to detect defects in the property.

And therefore it should go without saying that when a home inspection is done and it is determined that a specialized roof inspection is called for, the same applies to the roof.

Now I know this sounds impossible but I assure you this happens every single day.

Most of the people that offer free "roof inspections" in Northern California will look at your roof and give you a paper that says something like: "For Purposes of Certification Evaluation Only" which means that YOU ARE NOT GETTING A ROOF INSPECTION. You are getting a free estimate for a roof certification and there is a huge difference.
It says right on it that it is only for certification evaluation. They are only calling the things they need to fix to give you a two year certification.
At least 90% of the time the free "roof inspection" will be performed by someone with NO credentials and little experience. There boss is simply calling them an inspector and that's it. (Like my inspector's at right)

The total amount will usually be in the $500.00 area, as most property managers are pre authorized to spend this amount, and it is not based on what the roof actually needs anyway, so the repairs get authorized without scrutiny.

They can bang these "inspections"out by the hundreds because there is no content, no liability and no accountability.

Next the repairs get done, (Usually by equally unqualified personnel) then the 2 year certification is issued and the sale goes through easily.


The problem is, that there could be (and usually are) very significant defects that a buyer should know about but won't be told, and because they think they hired a "professional" roof inspector who is actually going to give them the information they need, they buy the house misinformed and have to deal with it later.

If the so called inspector or company is called on it they will just say "Whoops! we made a mistake!" and quite often there will be no location where you can actually go see them (just a P.O. box) so that's the end of it, and they move on to the next unsuspecting home buyer.

In 40 years of roofing work I have yet to see two identical roofs, but since I started checking about 6 months ago, I have seen several perfectly identical free roof "inspection reports". They are vague, uninformative and in my opinion, worth what was paid - no, actually you would be better off with no report.

At Ron Williams Roof Doctor, we are a roofing and roof repair company who offers roof inspection and certification services. The difference is:

When we are hired to do an inspection, our focus is to provide our customer all pertinent information regarding the roof, regardless of certification conditions. If you don't want the information, you don't want us.

When we arrive at a site, we have been paid for the inspection and don't need to sell anything beyond that.

Our inspection is not solely for the purpose of our certification evaluation.

Our inspection is for the purpose of giving the customer all available information pertaining to the roof. Our inspector is actually qualified so we know that the information given in our report is accurate and will stand up against all scrutiny or argument under any conditions. We don't need to include any disclaimers like "For Purposes of Certification Evaluation Only" because it is a real inspection, for purposes of being informed about all of the roofs defects.

Our report IS A REAL ROOF INSPECTION and will not be refuted.

If you want to know all about your roof, you can't beat an inspection report done by Ron Williams Roof Doctor.

If you don't really want to know, but still need an "inspection" then the free route may be for you.

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