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Seattle Domestic Violence Lawyer

If you have been charged with domestic violence, it requires immediate consultation and advice from a domestic violence attorney. Law enforcement in Washington State is aggressive in the prosecution of domestic abuse charges. The Law Office of Eric Schurman specializes in domestic violence assault cases and has been providing domestic abuse defense for both men and women since 1999.

- Spousal Assault

- Rape or Forced Sexual Contact

- Stalking Accusations

- Physical Abuse

- Negligent Homicide

- Justifiable Homicide

- Kidnapping

Many of our clients are accused of either physical or emotional abuse. Our domestic defense team represents both men and women. If your spouse or partner has accused you of domestic violence then it is important that you immediately stop contact and communication with your accuser. Abuse and no-contact orders will be put into place by the court system to provide safety for all parties involved in the domestic violence protection order. Violation of laws in place by law enforcement officials will only prolong and support the domestic abuse and violence accusations.

- Aggravated Assault

- Robbery

- Simple Assault or Intimidation

The Law Office of Eric Schurman is very experienced in dealing with the defense of those accused of domestic abuse crimes. Eric’s experience is highly sought by defendants that require an expert domestic assault negotiator. As an accused individual in a domestic assault case, we will stand behind each of our clients. Eric has studied and practiced domestic violence law and understands the legal battles each of his clients face. We are skilled at gathering and extracting important legal information from each prosecution witness. Our communication abilities allow us to continually negotiate with the local prosecutors office which often leads to our firm arranging for reduced charges or lesser sentencing guidelines.

- Violation of a Protection Order

- Crimes Against Children

- Physical Violence (Hitting, Shoving, Choking, Punching)

- Psychological Attacks

We not only will defend you vigorously, but we will also give you an honest appraisal of your criminal assault charges. We will be very clear with you and upfront about our chances in court if your case goes to trial. Our top priority is to represent and defend each of our clients that are facing domestic violence assault charges. If our legal team feels strongly that it would be in the best interest of the accused individual to negotiate a plea bargain, it is an option we will explore. This might shave off days, months or years from a criminal conviction that is inevitable. Each of our clients’ selects the Law Office of Eric Schurman because as your defender our goal is to help you get these legal matters into your past so you can get on with the rest of your life.

- Physical Attacks

- Sexual Abuse

- Verbal Abuse

- Emotional Abuse

- Economic Infliction, Neglect or Coercion

Domestic violence or physical abuse of your spouse or domestic partner is a criminal act. Domestic abuse and spousal abuse is generally a form of violence that is directed towards a current or ex-partner. In our society these acts of aggression are taboo. Our law firm will walk each of our clients through the tough legal road to recovery. Inter-spousal physical and emotional abuse can take years to untangle both emotionally and legally. If you have been charged with committing violence toward a member of your family or household then your personal rights and freedoms can be protected by Eric Schurman’s Law Practice. Our goal is for individuals and families in the greater Seattle area to learn how to break the pattern of physical and emotional abuse.
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