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Popping the Question: A Guide to Wedding Proposals

The time has come -- you're ready to ask your best girl to marry you and make it official. Unfortunately, Hollywood has brainwashed us all into thinking that popping the question has to be over-the-top and perhaps even expensive. Yes, it would seem that most of us girls want elaborate wedding proposals, just so we can race home and tell our girlfriends all about it.

In reality, popping the question should be an intimate moment that is special to both of you. Whether you decide to ask her during a quiet dinner for two or propose in front of thousands of baseball fans, choosing the right spot and ambiance is important when you ask for her hand.

Unless you know your girlfriend will appreciate a flashy proposal, keeping it romantic between just the two of you is the best approach, one she will remember long after a public proposition. Before asking her to marry you, use this list of tips and hints to dream up fabulous wedding proposals that leave her speechless.

The Dos and Don'ts of Wedding Proposal Ideas

Personalized wedding proposals: No girl wants a canned version of a tired, old proposal. Above all, don't do anything you've seen in the movies no matter how much she swooned. This is your opportunity to make it special for her and show her that you know and love her! When the time comes for popping the question, choose her favorite spot, as long as it's quiet, uncrowded, and romantic. She wants a magical day/night that she can share again and again, so it should be memorable. And never just say, "Will you marry me?" Tell her why you want her to marry you; personalize your proposal and let her know why she is so special to you!

Make the ambiance romantic: Most guidelines on wedding proposals agree that no matter how big a sports fan your girlfriend is, asking her to marry you at a game is probably not the ideal way to go about things. After popping the question, there is no time to reflect or even whisper sweet nothings to her. Keep the chaos to a minimum, so that the two of you can properly discuss this momentous occasion. Of course, this doesn't mean you can't ask her at a sports game - maybe she's the type of girl who would enjoy a thousand sets of eyes on her when you ask.

Furthermore, this doesn't mean you have to focus on popping the question over candlelight, but the locale should be - at least - semi-secluded, away from loud restaurant music, gawking crowds, and family. (Always remember that asking her in front of her family or yours adds unneeded stress when popping the question.)

Show a little respect: When discussing potential wedding proposals, you'll probably meet countless people who think asking her parents for her hand is lame and outmoded. Maybe, but it shows you're responsible and respectful of her parents and family. Sure, it's not easy to discuss such a big step, but her parents will remember that you approached them long after. Plus, you don't have to ask for her hand per se - use it as a way to encourage communication between the two newly merging families. It's a great way to start working on your in-law relationships!

Make it a surprise: You've undoubtedly discussed marriage prior to popping the question. The only thing that should come as a surprise is when you actually ask her to marry you. Previous discussions of merging your lives, including evaluating what's important to both of you in life and love, is vital to the success of your marriage. If you haven't talked about marriage prior to the proposal, you may want to brace yourself for a quizzical look followed by a hesitant maybe.

Choosing the ring: Please don't come unprepared to the proposal. Many women expect to have a ring on this night. It's not that we need something flashy and expensive to make it real; it's just that it helps cement your commitment and lets us know you're ready to take the plunge.

However, if your girl is the type who wants to pick and/or design her own ring, you should have discussed marriage well in advance. She knows it's coming, and is happy to say yes without hardware in hand. But just take her ring shopping as soon as possible after popping the question!

Wedding Proposals from the Heart

Asking your girlfriend to marry you is an exciting time! Sure, you may get nervous, but practicing those all important words in advance will help to alleviate some of those jitters. Don't worry if things go awry -- remember what you're there to do - ask the love of your life to commemorate your commitment to each other!

Wedding proposals are a great way to incorporate what your love means to the both of you and should be as unique as the two of you. Cherish the time and make it special!

About the Author

In 2006, Cherie Johnson blended her love of weddings with a business model to start Creative Wedding Favors, the premier site for customizable anniversary, baby and bridal shower, graduation, quinceañera, and wedding favors. Her wedding ideas have also benefited readers of many websites, including Women Of, Wedding Lenox, and The Wedding Guide. Before establishing Creative Wedding Favors, Cherie worked as a professional wedding photographer, capturing all the special moments of the nuptials and ceremony. Visit to find fun, festive favors for any event.
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