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The new 3G iPhone, iPhone accessories, iPhone ringtones, iPhone Games

The new 3G iPhone comes with many iPhone accessories, wonderful iPhone downloads, plentiful iPhone ringtones, amazing iPhone applications, super iPhone wallpapers, free iPhone ringtones if you look hard enough they are out there, and an incredible selection of iPhone games. You could literally be locked for three months in a room with food and water and your new 3G iPhone and never once be bored. In fact, we have heard of gamers who acquire their new 3G iPhone and immediately drop out of circulation for weeks or even months, usually only leaving their residence to purchase additional iPhone accessories.


Rumor has it that AT&T may be considering a reality series to be co-sponsored by Apple, where a young gamer, computer nerd, is put under house arrest for three months with only his new 3G iPhone for company. Supposedly, during the three-months of isolation, the youngster develops a new 3-G iPhone game, establishes his own corporation, begins marketing the game, as it begins to catch on he gets accepted into the iTunes store, the game takes an additional boost and immediately before he is released from captivity, he sells the game for over $1 million. This scenario sounds a little far-fetched to us in that we believe he should have held out for at least 10 million.


Free iPhone ringtones, and the less likely find free iPhone ringback tones are in every bit as much demand as free iPhone Games. However, new monthly services are coming available that offer free iPhone ring back tones, free iPhone ringtones, and free iPhone Games for a flat monthly membership fee. Revenue projections for ringtones, ringback tones and games across the telecommunications industry, tally into the multi-billions of dollars quarterly very soon, therefore, if you are planning on your carrier coming to his senses and offering these services for free, you may very well be disappointed. Apple and AT&T have to be competitive with the other carriers.  But neither one wishes to kill the cow and loose all that milk.


iPhone Games and other accessories promised incremental revenue as well, not to mention iTunes and other iPhone applications. However, downturns in the economy, notwithstanding, it does not look particularly likely that there will be completely free iPhone ringtones, iPhone Games, or iPhone ringback tones generally available anytime soon.
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