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Free ringback tones, free ringtones, free ringback tones, free iPhone games, free ringback tones

Answer number six, Free ringback tones; answer number seven, free cell phone tones; number eight, free ringback tones; nine, free games; 10, free ringback tones; 11, free online games; 12, free ringback tones; 13, free iPhone games; 14, free ringtones; 15, you guessed it, free ringback tones; 16, free ringtones 17, cell phone applications, whoa, that's an anomaly. But overall the survey answers hardly varied from the top three. Perhaps, I should say the top four, because free ringback tones/free ringtones in truth, came in first and third. Free cell phone tones were clearly number two, although you could easily make a case for lumping those in with the other two. Free games came in number three or number four if you count free ringback tones twice. If you add free online games, which was actually the fifth, if distant, phrase, and free cellphone/iPhone games together they would still be number four, if you count free ring back tones twice, or number three if you only count free ring back tones once. I'm sure that is now quite clear. The question is what does any of it mean?


The initial question was simple. What single item would you like to find online, without having to search very far to find it?  The only bias to the survey was that it was conducted to recent 3G iPhone purchasers. The purpose of the survey was simply to determine what things people wanted to find most online for free, but with a purposeful bias toward cell phones and cell users.  The answer was quite clear, add free ringback tones and or free ringtones to your website and you will make a whole lot of people happy. It is even clearer that if you could find one spot for Free ringback tones, free cell phone tones and some free games, you could please a ridiculous amount of people. At first glance, there is not enough competition to support the conclusions here. But when you consider psychological predisposition in light of the recent iPhone purchase, general ringtone mania and the proximity of the purchase to the survey, the results start to make more sense. Note also the staggering repetition of the word free and you get a sense of the pervasive influence of the current American economy on the average web user.


We would have guessed games would be first, free iPhone games, perhaps. So who knew? The survey was a small enough sample to be questionable but clearly, free ringback tones, free ringtones are way first; free cell or iPhone games or even free online games make up the top two categories, tones and games. Perhaps clearer still, the repeated use of the term free suggests that cell phone carriers may need to give back some advantages to their addicted users in this difficult economy if they want to keep them. Of course that last observation may have been moderately influenced by my having just opened my AT&T bill and seeing the charges for ringtones and games which now exceed my normal entire monthly charge for my cell.
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